Friday, June 9, 2017

June 9, 2017


I had a rough morning. Charlie was asked to take care of a friend's dogs over the weekend, but when we tried to take care of them this morning we were scared of one of the dogs. It was very stressful and I had to tell them we couldn't do it. The whole thing upset me most of the day even though I tried to not let it. 

I did things around the house all day. I folded laundry, which is one of my least favorite jobs. I listened to Anne of Green Gables while doing it.  I also finished up my bookkeeping from last night. I had a hard time at one point because I couldn't remember how to do something but finally got it figured out. 

I cleaned off some shelves in my closet. I gave Tommy a ride to church because it looked like rain. He usually rides his bike. By the time we were a mile from the house it was pouring. When I got home we ate leftover spaghetti for supper. Then I made a one serving brownie and shared it with Charlie. 

I did a Spanish lesson and practiced my fiddle. Then it was time for bed. 

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