Thursday, June 8, 2017

June 8, 2017


This morning I had Tommy and Charlie clean their rooms. I helped a little and I cleaned the living room. I mopped the floors in the kitchen, living room, my room, and my bathroom. I dusted the piano too. I taught a piano lesson and then left to take Charlie to swim practice. There were thunderstorms all around us so I turned around. I didn't want to drive 45 minutes there just to have it cancelled and then drive all the way home again. We stopped at the house and Charlie changed. Then I took him to youth group. Kim invited me over for Chinese so I went to her house for 1 1/2 hours, then went back to church and picked up Charlie. I was going to weave a little, but Tom called and said someone wanted to buy the Chevy van and they were on their way to our house. So I hurried home with Charlie and they were there. I think it's sold. They are coming by tomorrow with the money. 

Next, I picked up a pizza and took it to Bob's for him and Charlie. It was only $13! I am so used to buying lots of pizzas and it's lots of money. 

By this time I  was so sick of driving and happy to go home. I practiced fiddle and did laundry, then bookkeeping. Yippee! Charlie and I took out the garbage. More fun. 

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