Sunday, November 1, 2015

November 1, 2015


Got up early and went over to church for the 5K. I walked and got a first place. I can't remember what my first mile was but my second was 13:13 and my third was 13:00. I was happy with that. 

Went home and showered, then went to chirch with Tom, Charlie, and Ed. After church we got a ride home from Byron and Aida because Ed and Ben took the car to Key West to play with Nina at Sunset Pier. Kim came over. We ate salad and a succotash salad. 

When Kim left I worked on my class. Then it was time to leave for Schooner Wharf. That was a fun evening too, but my butt got sore from sitting too long. Randy and Mikki came. 

It's 12:41 and the kids are still loading up the trailer to go home. They seem to be doing a lot of talking. Their friend Ethan arrived today and I guess they have a lot to say.

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