Saturday, November 28, 2015

November 28, 2015


I've been too busy this past week. Thanksgiving dinner took me three days, to shop, prepare, eat, and clean up. 

Tuesday- I walked. :0) Charlie had a fiddle lesson and I got groceries. I made chili, corn bread, and salad for supper. The boys played hockey. The kids practiced for Night of Thanks. . I wove with Kim. 

Wednesday- I made 4 pumpkin pies and 2 apple. The kids had another practice. I made yummy sweet potatoes to take to church and went over for Night of Thanks, which was awesome. I watched Reed during the second concert. 

Thursday- I made food and cleaned all day. TJ and Ang had a gig at Sunset Pier so I watched the kids. The boys played hockey and we are dinner at about 8:30 PM. The food was yummy but afterwards I was exhausted.. The kids played cards. Kim, Charlie, and I played Scrabble earlier. 

Friday- Tom, Ed, Joe, and I worked with Habitat for humanity from 8 AM to -11 AM. We cleaned up a yard, removing brush and such. We didn't finish but maybe another day. After that we stopped at the house before heading to KIm's house to help her move.  We worked there a few hours, went to the new house, and then I had to go to TJ's to bbsit. I took them to my house for a while and then back to their house to put them to bed. Poor Violet was a sick with a fever and runny nose. She wanted to be held so much I put her in my ringsling where she fell asleep. At 8::30 I took them back to to TJ's. We watched a little cartoons and then I out them to bed. Iwas  ssoooo tired. :0) the band played at Schooner Wharf and TJ and Ang stopped and played their when their gig was over. 

I went to Kim's new house this morning and cleaned  one of her blinds. Her new stove and microwave came. Then I went home. I payed bills and took care of other paperwork. The band had a double at Sunset Pier and Schooner Wharf. I watched "The Count of Monte Christo" since I just finished the book. The movie strayed a lot from the book. It was good, but the book is way better. Charlie's friend Mathew came over to spend the night and I quilted. Haven't done that in ages. 

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