Tuesday, November 3, 2015

November 3, 2015


I woke up early today but I didn't feel terrible like I normally do. Then poor Charlie threw up in the hallway while I was still in bed. He had thrown up once during the night and made it to the bathroom, but not this time. That kind of changed my whole day. 

After cleaning up the mess, I couldn't get back into my morning routine; no devos, no walking, no school or swimming for Charlie, and I kept him home from his fiddle lesson. 

I did the dishes. They hadn't been done since Sunday night when Garrett did only half of them at around 1:30 AM. Nothing like waiting till the last minute. (We got home about 2 AM Sunday night). I also cleaned off the island. It clutters up so fast. 

I woke up Tommy for school. He had two online classes today. When they were over I gave him a half hour break and I laid down in my room. I can't sleep during the day but I relaxed. :0) Then I helped him with his logic homework. That class moves. No grass growing under that teacher's feet. So many definitions to memorize and concepts to grasp. 

So, TJ dropped off kids and I babysat for a little bit, then we left for Sloppy's. Kurt, Ed, Ben, Joe, and Rita all went to Key West earlier so it was just Tom, Tommy, and Jake in the big van. I rode down a little later with TJ, and Charlie stayed at Kim's house.

It's a little hard for me, doing Sloppy's two days in a row. For one thing, Tommy has no time for homework because his Monday classes end at 3:30, when we leave for the gig. We got in a little homework before leaving for Sloppy's today, and he did reading while they drove there, and did his Latin there. It's too loud in Sloppy's to concentrate on homework and there are too many distractions. I hoped we could get through the rest of his logic homework at Sloppy's but that didn't happen. We did a little when we got home at 11 PM, but Tommy is still sick with a fever. He couldn't stay awake and I gave him medicine.  I will wake him up at 8 to finish  his homework. It's hard enough keeping up with his homework. I don't want him to get behind. 

I rode home from the gig with TJ so I could get Charlie from Kim's. Tom's car was there so I drove it home.

Joe is sick too. He's had a temp since about Thursday, and Ed was plumb wore out towards the end of the gig. He was feeling weird, dizzy, and said it was hard to breathe, so he went and laid down in the van for the last two songs. Seems like we could all use a few days off with no responsibilities and then a few days to catch up. 

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