Monday, November 9, 2015

November 9, 2015


I haven't written since Wednesday I think.  We are way too busy. My friend Mikki invited me over one night and I wanted to go, but wanted to stay home too. I counted the days before and I hadn't been home one evening in 8 days straight. No wonder the laundry hadn't been folded for two weeks.  What a mess. 

Thursday Kim played a house concert with TJ, Ang, and Jake. Tom and I babysat, along with a Ailsa who I got to help me babysit, because Tom had to take Charlie to swimming. 

Friday was the night I got to stay home. The band played a wedding in Key West. I helped Tommy with homework and a project for his Logic class for a good part of the day. Emma came and surprised Ben for his birthday. 

Saturday we did more homework and more of Tommy's project. The band played at Sunset Pier. I went to Winn Dixie and then made two pumpkin pies, another pumpkin dessert, a giant pan of Buffalo Chicken Lasagna, and a salad. The boys played hockey and then we had a birthday party for Ben.

Sunday we went to church. Kim came over for a while, then I folded laundry forever, lots and lots of laundry. I did a little of my homework. I'm behind in my class too. Good thing I get to work at my own pace. I hope to get caught up or almost caught up this week. In the evening Tom and I went to church. I helped Tommy more with his project. He's been sick for two weeks. It started as a stomach thing and then turned into a fever, runny nose, and coughing. Ben, Ed, and Garrett were sick during the night. 


I went walkimg today.  We switched our internet to AT&T today. We will see how that works. Xfinity had been getting slower and slower. I kept the laundry moving and did school with Charlie. Tommy had his classes, then we went to Sloppy's. Jake and Callie played/sang. They were a big hit. Very cute. Tommy worked on his project at the gig.  Afterwards we stopped at Chicago's to see Nina's band.  Ben helped with sound and played a song on the drums. Ed and Kurt took pictures. Then we drove home.

Charlie was mad when he got to Sloppy's. Ed was supposed to drop him off at swimming on the way there, but they got stuck in a traffic jam while a helicopter landed. So he missed swimming. He'll get to go tomorrow. :0)

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