Wednesday, November 18, 2015

November 18, 2015


TJ dropped the girls off today at 8:30 AM. They had a double today so it watched them till close to 11 PM. 

I went to the exercise class at church in the morning. It was hard. I made myself go. I am noticing better flexibility since I've been exercising more. My left shoulder is still bothering me though. I don't know what's wrong with it. 

So, when I got home from that Tom made me go with Kurt and Joe to a friend's house to look at some furniture he was giving away. Kurt picked out a few things for his apartment and we went back home. I came home and did 3 days worth of dishes. I wasn't real excited about that. I wasn't home too long when Tom needed me  to meet him at the bank to sign something. There were no cars here so I had to call Kurt to come get me. He took me to the bank and then opened up an account for himself. This time Tom took me home. All this time we were also doing our schoolwork. 

Tom came  home to eat and told me that Habitat called him and said there were no dependents on our income tax that we gave them yesterday. (Tom had just mailed it two hours before to the IRS). Ughhhhh!!! You've got to be kidding me! Our taxes are messed up again! Three years in a row!!!! The accountant's secretary said they would take care of it, but it will surely postpone Habitat. Not sure what's going to happen with that. They scheduled a meeting with Tom on Friday. I don't even want to think about it. It's giving me am anxious feeling that I can't stand. I am not going to think about it anymore. It will work out somehow or we will be living in a van down by the river. I'm starting to hate houses. Houses and food! 

Kim came over and picked up the girls, Charlie, and me for church. I didn't have car seats or a car. Ha! I decided I want a little truck. I'd actually like an antique truck that's all curvy, but that won't happen. The Saturn is still working fine. It rattles and the air doesn't work and it runs ok, but when Kurt moves out it will be me, Tom, Ed, and Ben all sharing the car. That's not going to work. Think little truck.

After church Kim brought us home. I got Violet ready for bed and she fell asleep while I was putting her Jammie's on. Callie stayed up longer but finally fell asleep on the couch. I practiced my irish crochet. Kim and I are starting a project together. A few of the kids' friends were over. It was pretty noisy..

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