Sunday, November 1, 2015

October 31, 2015


I finished the hand sewing on one more cushion, 4 more to go. The band headed out to there gigs, a double-header in Key West. I helped Tommy get his homework done for Monday, and did a little laundry. Then Charlie and I went over to see Angelica. She helped me place an order with Young Living. We were going to go to Kim's studio next, but Kim ended up not going, so we just visited her at her house.

We went home and Charlie got his costume on. Aaron and Shannon went with Charlie and I over to TJ's in Eden Pines to go trick-or-treating. We went with TJ, Ang, and kids. It was fun. We didn't stay out too late, and that was good, because I had to get up early the next morning. 

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