Monday, November 16, 2015

November 14, 2015


I set the alarm this morning for 7 and by 8 o'clock most of us were over at the Habitat house. We are 99.9% sure that we are getting a Habitat for Humanity house and we went for our first workday. Mikki, Minolis, and Doug came to help.  

We spent the morning and early afternoon throwing out garbage, tearing down some illegal enclosures, and cleaning up the yard. The boys also carried out a lot of furniture and helped to rip out the carpeting. They were there for 2 hours and then went home to shower and went to Sunset Pier for a double. 

When we were done Tom and I went home. I helped Tommy finish his Logic project and he handed it in. That was a lot of work. I hope he gets a good grade. We are a all looking forward to next week off school for Thanksgiving.

Anyways, Tom went back over to the house with Garrett and Fran  and they washed all the ceilings, walls, and floors, it was a long day. 

I have some before and after pics.

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