Friday, July 15, 2016

July 15, 2016


The days are speeding by. Tuesday evening we went out to Sunset Bay to visit Tom's cousin Peggy. Kurt, Clementine, and Charlie went with us. They swam in Lake Erie and made a fire on the beach. Wednesday Carol came up and the kids swam. We got pizza and wings from Brunner's for supper. 

Dad and I picked berries almost every day. I made more jam and mom made more pies. I practiced fiddle. Friday I went out to eat with Stacey in East Aurora. We ate too much and then took a walk afterwards. We would have walked longer but Tom was in a hurry to stop by the Violanti's house, where TJ and Angelica were having Violet's ears looked at. They are both infected. We didn't get home till midnight.

This morning I went with mom and Kurt to take Clementine to the airport. We went to Spot Coffee afterwards and then to Anita's house where mom dropped us off. We hung out outside and talked while I sewed on my quilt. We had pizza and salad for supper at Anita's, then Tom and I went shopping for dress pants for Tom and Charlie. We also stopped at Lowes and Home Depot before we came home. We ate some raspberry pie and Ed showed us some new songs they wrote. Then we packed for tomorrow's gig in Cooperstown, NY. 

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