Monday, July 18, 2016

July 16, 2016


We got up early, that's 6 AM for me, and headed out to play at the wedding of my cousin's son. We stopped at Tom's sister, Anita's house to pick up TJ and Jake. We didn't have enough seats so we had to leave Charlie there. It took about 4 1/2 hours to get there. My mom and dad went too but drove separately.

The wedding was at Glimmerglass State Park on one of the Fingerlakes, at a place called Hyde Hall. It was very pretty up there on the hill. Everyone had a great time. Afterwards we went to our rooms at Bayside Inn and Marina. Tom and I shared a room with my mom and dad. The boys were in another room and slept three in each bed. I was exhausted and went straight to bed.

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