Monday, July 25, 2016

July 22, 2016


Violet came home with Tom and I last night. She stayed up till 2 AM. Sweet baby Violet. 

I told the boys we were leaving at 8 AM so we might leave at 9, but we didn't leave till 11. They are very bad bunnies when it comes to packing and departure times. That is one thing that makes me grumpy because I try very hard to be on time. 

Anyways, we drove to Coshocton, OH where we stayed in an awesome house that sleeps 40 people. Luckily for me, there were only 18 of us. We were surrounded by hay fields and pasture. I loved it!

We had a little time to make ourselves at home and then went to another house just down the hill a little where our awesome friends had arranged a picnic supper. It was wonderful. The kids raced around in Flintstone cars and played frisbee by the pond. There was a pretty cow, and Ben and Jake got in a little tractor accident. 

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