Tuesday, July 5, 2016

July 4, 2016


We went to Doug Yeoman's house for a pre-gig picnic. It was a beautiful afternoon outside in Doug and Debra's pretty yard. I should have taken more pictures. We stopped at Wegman's (a grocery store) on our way there and it was stimulation overload. Crazy big. It's like a city street with people going all directions. Crazy. Anyways, back to the picnic. The kids jumped on the trampoline and threw the frisbee , and we ate. My mom brought 4 raspberry pies that she made the night before and the morning of. Thanks Mom!

We all went to the gig at Spot Coffee. Doug played first. Carol and Darryl came with their family, and a lot of other family and friends from around here came too. We played till the parade came through, and then again till the fireworks. 

We got home totally exhausted and the little kids had really dirty feet from running in the parking lot barefoot.

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