Sunday, August 28, 2016

August 25, 2016


This morning I was supposed to take Tom to the airport, but as we were leaving we saw shelves that had been delivered laying in its cardboard box soaking wet under the house. Tom leaned it up against the house and started tearing the wet cardboard off, so the wood wouldn't get wrecked, and out fell pieces of the heavy shelving, hitting my leg just below my knee all the way down to my foot. It hurt so bad I was hopping around. Tom ran upstairs and got ice. I hopped to my hammock swing and sat down. He woke up Ben and said, "I think your mom broke her foot and I need you to take me to the airport." He brought me the ice and Ben took him to the airport. I stayed on the swing for about an hour and a half, then somehow got up the stairs. Ed brought me ibuprofen and set me up on the couch. He got me new ice too. 

A few hours later I went over to Kim's. Stevie took a nap. (That's the picture). Dahlia came over. We hung out for a while and then went to church. One of her friends met us there. Afterwards, we all went to my house. We had a fun evening talking and joking around.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

August 23, 2016


I tried to do bookkeeping and couldn't figure things out. Took Charlie to swimming. I forgot to mention that I walked yesterday and today. I've been setting my alarm and going out before it gets too hot. I did more school prep and laundry. 

August 22, 2016


Garrett went to his first class at FKCC this morning. He had to take the early bus to get there on time, then wait two hours for his class. When his class was over he had to wait another hour before catching the bus home. Then he waited another 1/2 hour for Tom to pick him up at US1. All in all, it took almost 9 hours for 1 class. Luckily, he has a ride there on Wednesday and will only have to take the bus home. 

I wanted to go over his homework but didn't have much time. He had to leave at 4:30 for work and I had to take Charlie to swimming at 3:30. The band left at 3:30 for Sloppys. I wanted Tom to drop Charlie off on their way but they were running late so I had to go. When I got there it was cancelled due to lightning. 

We went home and I made us some supper.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

August 21, 2016


We went to church. Afterwards Tom worked on one of the cars and I went swimming over at Deb's house. Tom showed up and wanted to switch vehicles so the band could take my truck and ride in the AC. I went home too and the band left for Schooner Wharf. I got ready to go to my class at church. I gave Tommy a ride a little early because he had to work. On the way home we stopped at Winn Dixie and bought two pizzas. 

When we got home we ate, I practiced fiddle, did dishes, read to Charlie and we went to bed.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

August 20, 2016


I wanted to go swimming today but never got to it. I had Garrett, Tommy, and Charlie help me weed and clean up the downstairs area under the porch. In the evening we went to a race party at Randy and Mikki's. The race was postponed till Sunday but we had fun anyways. 

I didn't write anything for Friday. All I remember is that I got groceries with Tommy, made vegetable lasagna,  and the boys played hockey.

August 18, 2016


I took Garrett back to FKCC this morning and after about 4 hours we finally got him registered for 2 classes. The first goes till October and the other picks up after that.  

While I was driving there I listened to a local radio show, Bizbaz, and heard the local pawn shop advertising some stuff for sale. The man said they had a cello that might have belonged to the Doerfel's because it had Doerfel stickers on it. I thought, strange, I wonder where Joe's cello is. I thought he loaned it to someone. I called Joe and Kim's husband took Joe to he pawn shop and sure enough, it was Joe's cello. He bought it back, filed a police report, and pressed charges. Crazy!! If I hadn't listened to Bizbaz this morning the cello would have been long gone by the time Joe asked for it back. Sad that he had to press charges on someone he knows. 

I worked on home school stuff, pulling out the new year's books and putting the old ones away. In the evening Tom took Charlie to swimming and I babysat at TJ's.

This morning this guy was hanging out at the bottom of our stairs. He thinks he's my friend but he's not. He's supposed to be scared of people. 

Friday, August 19, 2016

August 17, 2016


I worked on getting Charlie's school stuff ready. I also picked 3 of my little pineapples. TJ dropped the kids off at 4:45 on their way to Blue Heaven. I made supper and had Garrett put the car seats in my truck. When it was time to leave we found out that Garrett only had three car seats in the truck. I got the fourth seat from the garage. Then the straps were way too tight on two of the seats. All of this in the 100 degree heat. Finally we made it to church. I took Hazel in the crying room and watched the service there. It was awesome in there, sitting in a rocking chair with my feet up. 

Afterwards we dropped Tom and Charlie off at home and then I took TJ's kids back to their house. We couldn't get in. No keys. :0( So I packed the kids back into the truck and we went back to my house. Tom wasn't home and after a while he called and said he had gotten into TJ's house and unlocked the door. I packed up the kids again, took them home, and put them to bed.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

August 16, 2016


It rained this morning so I didn't go walking. Kurt and I left at 9:30 to meet with our accountant's secretary. She gave us a great lesson in quick books. We learned  a lot. 

We hurried home and I took Garrett to FKCC for a placement test. He took 3 1/2 hours and I worked on my quilt the whole time. He got his scores and we went home, but I didn't know how to interpret the scores. They also gave him his recommended classes.

I was home a few minutes and we hurried to Mikki and Randy's house, picking up Bobby on the way. We went out in their boat. Kurt and Clementine were supposed to go too but the band had too much work to do in the studio so they didn't go. Tom, Bobby, Tommy, Charlie, and I went.

Got home and read to Charlie. 

Monday, August 15, 2016

August 15, 2016

Highlights for the last few days...

Friday night the band played at Schooner Wharf. I went out with Dahlia to a different restaurant, the Wharf, closer to home.

Saturday Charlie and I went with Kim and her kids over to Deb's house and went swimming. Later, Charlie went to Bob's house and I went with Mikki and Randy to Schooner Wharf to watch the boys play. On the way home it rained cats and dogs.

Sunday we went to church. I made coconut blackbeans with mango and a salad for supper. The boys played hockey and Rob came over. 

It was hard to get up Monday morning but I made myself. I went walking, then ate my oatmeal. I swept the kitchen, did laundry, and separated a gallon of maple syrup into mason jars and put them in the freezer. I had Tommy take the cardboard down to the recycle bin. Then Kurt and I went to meet with the accountant's secretary for a bookkeeping lesson. Unfortunately, she was at the Marathon office and we went to the Key West office. After that disappointing non-meeting we stopped at Subway. Then we met the band at swimming at FKCC where they dropped of Charlie and picked up Kurt. When swimming was over I drove Charlie and I to Sloppy Joes for our gig. I sat with Mikki and Randy. 

Thursday, August 11, 2016

August 11, 2016

I need to recap the last few days.


We left VA around 9am and drove till 8:30 at night, Fort Pierce, where we met Tom's friend, John, at Denny's. Then we drove the rest of the way home. We arrived at 2:30 AM. It was a long drive. 

Monday and Tuesday the band played at Slipoy's. I took Charlie to swimming both days, then came home and continued unpacking. Both the GMC and Ed's van were dead. Bob's car isn't working either. And the Denali has brake leak. Same old stuff.


I forgot to mention that I walked Monday, Tuesday, and today. I have everything unpacked but my suitcase. I practiced fiddle. We went to church at night. Angelica had to pick us up because we had no car. The band had to take two vehicles to Sunset Pier because the GMC wasn't fixed yet. 


I set my alarm for 6:30 and went walking at 7 before it got hot. It was much nicer. 
I dropped Ed and Ben off at church for a leadership seminar, dropped Garrett off at Kim's to babysit, picked up Joe and took him and Charlie with me to Winn Dixie for groceries.  After putting the food away I did some bookkeeping and got super frustrated. My laptop was dropped and Ed says its fried. I babysat for TJ and Angelica. They got a sudden gig. 

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

August 6, 2016


I slept 10 hours! Woo hoo! I read, relaxed, sewed, and listened to lectures. TJ's family left in the morning headed for the Keys. We stayed for our last gig of the trip. In the evening the band went to Bluefield, WV but Charlie and I stayed home. I read to Carlie and we went to bed at 11. 

This is where we stayed. Wish we could stay longer. 

Monday, August 8, 2016

August 5, 2016


I woke up early and started packing last minute things in the truck. I woke up Tom and we got the girls and Charlie in the truck and we left. The kids were good the whole drive, about 8-9 hours I think. Tom even stopped at a Tim Hortons somewhere in VA. 

We got to Rockhouse Marina close to 5 o'clock and the band set up. They beat us there. Just after the band started it started to rain. Towards the end of the set I took Hazel into TJ's camper. 

When the set ended TJ helped move car seats and Angelica and I took the kids to the lake house  we were staying in. I took a shower, read to Charlie, and was in bed at 10 PM.

Friday, August 5, 2016

August 4, 2016


This morning I took the kids into Hamburg. We went to the bank and I must say it was a very pleasant experience. I never do the banking anymore. The tellers were very friendly and the kids were good. Then we walked over to Spot Coffee. I got Charlie a breakfast sandwich. It was a treat for him because he was so disappointed that we didn't go to Stacey's.

When we got home I started packing the food. We came up here with one bin of food but we are going back with two. I packed one bag with all the oatmeal fixins' and another with snacks for tomorrow's drive. I made gluten free peanut butter cookies for Callie and some meal bars made with peanut butter, oatmeal, chocolate chips, and some other stuff.

With that done, I cut out the last pieces for Rosette #3. I started taking suitcases, food bins, and fiddles out to the driveway and left them in the shade of the truck.  (The band has the equipment trailer with them and we are towing TJ and Angelica's camper. We are meeting up with the band and Ang and Jake in VA).

I snuck a swim by myself and then watched the kids swim. Tom came home from work and hooked up the camper to the truck. He loaded the stuff I had left in the driveway and tried to figure out what was leaking on my dad's driveway. 

I made supper and it started to rain. Got the kids to bed and I slept for about 1 1/2 hours and then couldn't sleep. I have a sore throat. I tried for a long time to sleep but couldn't so I finally decided to catch up on my blog. 

I am all caught up now and it's 5 AM. We had planned on leaving at 7 AM for Pulaski, VA. Maybe we will leave earlier. 

I had a few more friends I would have liked to visit. I guess I will try to write some letters and try again next summer. 

August 3, 2016


I was going to visit my friend Stacey in Attica today but didn't. It was an hour drive and I needed another slow-down day. Instead, I started packing. I packed my suitcase first. I made a small overnight bag for four days and everything else went in the big suitcase, including all kinds of odds and ends that needed a place. Next I packed Charlie's, and then the girls. 

I did take a break in the middle of the day and went swimming with the kids.

August 2, 2016


Mom watched the kids for me this morning and I went to down to Boston. I went to the post office, CVS, and Tops. I was gone for 1 1/2 hours. 

Carol came up later and finished making copies of the blocks for Rosette 3. Darryl came up too and the kids swam all day. Around 10 or 11 o'clock Charlie and I took blankets and pillows and layed out on the front yard gazing at the stars. We saw two shooting stars. 

August 1, 2016


Today was my day to slow down after the busy weekend. I cut out some more pieces for my quilt and went swimming with the kids. When Tom got home from work we stopped at Tops for ice cream and took it to share with some old friemds and neighbors, the Violantis. While visiting with Paul and Debbie I finished Rosette 2 of my quilt.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

July 31, 2016


Today we went to a family reunion at Grandpa Bob's. On the way there we stopped at JCPenneys, Dick's Sporting Goods, and Panera Bread.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

July 30, 2016


We went to Springville Fiddle Festival today. The kids had a horse drawn wagon ride. They ate kettle corn, maple sugar cotton candy, and a chicken BBQ. Our friend Jeff Driggs was teaching clogging workshops all day. We watched a little. 

We saw some old friends, Jerry and Shirley, and one of Kim's fiddle teachers, Phil. We listened to both their groups play. We also saw Pastor Stan from the Assembly of God and and more friends from Springville. 

Afterwards we stopped at Walmart for an oil change. Then went back to my parents' house. Tom and Violet fell asleep. At 9 o'clock we went to a fire with our friend Jeff. Tom and Violet slept in the truck. We stayed about 1 1/2 hours. It was a long day. 

July 29, 2016


I took the kids down into Boston and we got groceries at the little Tops store. Then we stopped at Charlap's for ice cream. A policeman came in and asked who owned the red car in the parking lot. Everyone shook their heads no. Then he said, " It's raining and your lights are on." Haha! Everyone thought they were in trouble. :0)

Carol came up and the kids swam. I practiced fiddle and we made spaghetti. Carol made meatballs. We took a walk after supper. 

The band played at a county fair in Iowa tonight. 

Monday, August 1, 2016

July 28, 2016


I took the kids over to Carol's. The kids played and I sewed and Carol knitted. Violet played in the trampoline and I played ball with Charlie. My parents came over too and we had pizza with Darryl before he went to work. I was going to get groceries on the way home, but Violet fell asleep so I just went back to mom and dad's house. 

Tom and I took a walk with the kids when he got home from working with Terry. The big kids finished their drive to Iowa today.