Thursday, August 11, 2016

August 11, 2016

I need to recap the last few days.


We left VA around 9am and drove till 8:30 at night, Fort Pierce, where we met Tom's friend, John, at Denny's. Then we drove the rest of the way home. We arrived at 2:30 AM. It was a long drive. 

Monday and Tuesday the band played at Slipoy's. I took Charlie to swimming both days, then came home and continued unpacking. Both the GMC and Ed's van were dead. Bob's car isn't working either. And the Denali has brake leak. Same old stuff.


I forgot to mention that I walked Monday, Tuesday, and today. I have everything unpacked but my suitcase. I practiced fiddle. We went to church at night. Angelica had to pick us up because we had no car. The band had to take two vehicles to Sunset Pier because the GMC wasn't fixed yet. 


I set my alarm for 6:30 and went walking at 7 before it got hot. It was much nicer. 
I dropped Ed and Ben off at church for a leadership seminar, dropped Garrett off at Kim's to babysit, picked up Joe and took him and Charlie with me to Winn Dixie for groceries.  After putting the food away I did some bookkeeping and got super frustrated. My laptop was dropped and Ed says its fried. I babysat for TJ and Angelica. They got a sudden gig. 

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