Friday, August 19, 2016

August 17, 2016


I worked on getting Charlie's school stuff ready. I also picked 3 of my little pineapples. TJ dropped the kids off at 4:45 on their way to Blue Heaven. I made supper and had Garrett put the car seats in my truck. When it was time to leave we found out that Garrett only had three car seats in the truck. I got the fourth seat from the garage. Then the straps were way too tight on two of the seats. All of this in the 100 degree heat. Finally we made it to church. I took Hazel in the crying room and watched the service there. It was awesome in there, sitting in a rocking chair with my feet up. 

Afterwards we dropped Tom and Charlie off at home and then I took TJ's kids back to their house. We couldn't get in. No keys. :0( So I packed the kids back into the truck and we went back to my house. Tom wasn't home and after a while he called and said he had gotten into TJ's house and unlocked the door. I packed up the kids again, took them home, and put them to bed.

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