Wednesday, August 24, 2016

August 18, 2016


I took Garrett back to FKCC this morning and after about 4 hours we finally got him registered for 2 classes. The first goes till October and the other picks up after that.  

While I was driving there I listened to a local radio show, Bizbaz, and heard the local pawn shop advertising some stuff for sale. The man said they had a cello that might have belonged to the Doerfel's because it had Doerfel stickers on it. I thought, strange, I wonder where Joe's cello is. I thought he loaned it to someone. I called Joe and Kim's husband took Joe to he pawn shop and sure enough, it was Joe's cello. He bought it back, filed a police report, and pressed charges. Crazy!! If I hadn't listened to Bizbaz this morning the cello would have been long gone by the time Joe asked for it back. Sad that he had to press charges on someone he knows. 

I worked on home school stuff, pulling out the new year's books and putting the old ones away. In the evening Tom took Charlie to swimming and I babysat at TJ's.

This morning this guy was hanging out at the bottom of our stairs. He thinks he's my friend but he's not. He's supposed to be scared of people. 

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