Tuesday, December 29, 2015

December 29, 2015


Oops. I messed up. I exercised yesterday and walked today with Becky and Peter. Then we helped Doug get a dryer from our house to his house which was the perfect opportunity to show Becky Kim's house. 

Next we stopped at the house to see the progress. Only the hallway bathroom needs tile. Tom's been working like a dog to get the tile done.

Beckyade us mahi mahi for lunch and I had a salad ready. Then we had a few minutes down time before work. Had to take 3 cars again to Sloppy's. Another packed house tonight. A lot of great people. 

December 28, 2015


I went walking, did dishes, picked up my room and bathroom, stuff like that. Some of our cousins (Wrights) from NY stopped in and Ben took them to the studio. I rode to Sloppy's with Becky. Our sprinter was still in the shop so we had to take three vehicles. Big pain in the butt. 

Key West was bursting with people. I forgot what that was like. Took the kids to Duetto's and it was super busy. 

Got home at 11, read to Charlie and went to bed. He's still fighting a cold. It's been over a week. 

Monday, December 28, 2015

December 27, 2015


Went to church. Kim came over afterwards. I was able to do a little cross stitch. I made a salad. Tom worked on more tile. 

We were running late to leave for Schooner Wharf. Then realized the boys forgot to move stuff from the GMC back into the trailer so we had to move everything. Next we found out that Ben had the key for the lock on the trailer hitch and he was already in Key West. After getting all hyper and mad at us Tom cut it off and we left. 

Debbie came with her family and my cousin Jackie came with her family. Becky's crew came too. I was very tired by the end of the night. We got home at 2 AM. 

This pic is from a few days ago when Becky and company went fishing. 

Sunday, December 27, 2015

December 26, 2015


The band had a double today at Sunset Pier. Tom worked on tile all day at Wilhemena, and Charlie and I went with Becky, Erin, and Peter to Theatre of the Sea in Islamorada. It's not an aquarium, but we saw turtles, fish, sharks, alligators, crocodiles, parrots, and dolphin. The plants along all the pathways were so pretty. 

On the way home we shopped at the Bass Pro store, then ate lunch at the Fish Company. I bought Hannah a swimsuit, two shirts for Tom, a skirt and top for me, and a beautiful dish with fish painted on it. It will be so much more fun eating salad off this plate. 

When we got home Becky's crew went to Key West. I stayed home and cleaned. No one had taken the Christmas garbage out and it was piled in our all living room so I made Garrett take it out. I swept and vacuumed and did the dishes. I folded laundry and started more. I ate a salad on my new plate and then sat outside on the hammock chair for a while. Tom wanted food over at Wilhemena so I took him some supper, a salad, baked beans, and an apple. I went to bed around midnight, and Tom was still tiling. 

December 25, 2015


Those poor Doerfel kids had to wait till about noon to open presents. We waited for TJ's family to get there but we like to drag it out as long as possible anyway. TJ was master of ceremonies and handed out presents, one at a time so we could see what everyone got. It was a great morning. Becky's crew was with us, and Shannon and Ailsa came over too. 

Saturday, December 26, 2015

December 24, 2015


I can't even remember everything I did. Becky's crew took Ben and Tommy out fishing. Charlie was supposed to go but he had a fever the night before so he stayed home. He was very sad he couldn't go. They caught about 15 mahi mahi and kept 9. They made us a meal when they got back. 

I went to Winn Dixie and was back before 9 am. I put food away and then went to Walgreens. When I got home I started lentil and split pea soup in the crock pot. 
I wrapped a few presents and folded the laundry in the hallway. Tom worked on tile at the house. 

TJ stopped in with the kids at one point and we decorated the cookies. I also made three apple pies.

Tommy worked at all three Christmas Eve services at church and Garrett helped watch Kim's kids at our house. We all went to the 7:30 service but Garrett stayed home to watch Kim's kids. 

The church gave us leftover food from feeding the worship team and church workers and turns out we needed it. My soup that had been in he crockpot all day was not done. Maybe because it was a double batch, I'm not sure. 

I finished wrapping presents and was in bed at 3 am. Luckily, Joey took care of the stockings for me or I would have been up another hour. 

December 23, 2015


Tom and I had a morning date. We took Charlie and went to Key West. I had a few errands. We got breakfast sandwiches from Five Guys, then hit the three stores I wanted to go to and hurried home. 

We got out swimsuits on and went over to Deb's house for a pool party. It was a little overcast, which helped us from getting sunburned, and we had a great time. Tom left early and went to work on tile at the house.

We went home and got ready to go to church. Went to church. Then Tom and I stopped at the house for a peek, and then we went home. TJ brought Callie over and Becky made dough for cut-out cookies and we made cookies.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

December 22, 2015


The days are so long. Tom went to the Habitat house to keep working on the tile floor. Becky's crew and Tommy went kayaking. The big kids and Charlie went to the Star Wars movie, and Garrett went to work. I folded laundry all day and I made a pile of clothes for Salvation Army. 

TJ dropped the girls off about 4 o'clock. We ended up watching "The Santa Clause." Becky's crew went to Islamorada to watch TJ and Ang's gig. When the movie was over I took the girls home and put them to bed. They both fell asleep on the drive over to their house. I did TJ's dishes and read a little. I wanted to do some homework or write some letters, but I just didn't have it in me. 

On the way home (around midnight) I stopped at the Habitat house because Tom was still working. Things are starting to come together. I'd better pick out some paint colors and lights for the kitchen. 

Monday, December 21, 2015

December 21, 2015


I finished sewing Violet's dress today. We went to Sloppy's but forgot the lights and the camera for the livestream. Oops!

Becky and crew went down to Geiger Key to go see the stick and stone house on the beach. I'm just trying to get stuff done at home. Tom and I need to do some shopping tomorrow. 

Sunday, December 20, 2015

December 20, 2015


We went to church with Becky's crew. Then we went to show her the Habitat house. We went back to my house and visited with Kim. She stayed till
4, a long time .

Dad and Peter took naps. Tom stayed at Habitat house and worked. At about 4:30
We went to Schooner Wharf. I bought a new Jams skirt and top for Christmas. 
For Easter we wentChina 

Saturday, December 19, 2015

December 19, 2015


Wow! This has been the longest time in 3 years that I haven't written. I've missed 5 days in a row. Busy, busy, busy. 

Wedensday the kids put in a Christmas concert at the Vineyard. It was really fun. They did a great job. TJ and Ang had a gig so I had the kids. I got them dressed up and Charlie and me too. Charlie played his fiddle on stage for the first time. He and Kim played Good King Wenceslas with the band. 

Afterwards the big kids went to their Youmg Adult Christmas party, then joined us with Milki and Randy at Deb's house for supper. The food was lush, chilli and New England Clam chowder, garlic bread and cookies. It was a perfect end to a fun day.

My mom and dad were here from Monday till Friday. On Thursday I took them over to see Kim's new house, and then over to see the Habitat house. Ised Pad Thai and a salad for supper. Tom worked at the Habitat house all day.

On Friday, after my parents left, Deb and Mikki picked me up and we went out for lunch in KW. Then we did a little shopping. When I got home Ed and I went to Bealls. The boys went to youth group. 

Saturday I cleaned, got groceries, and cleaned some more. I picked up Bobby from work because it was raining. The rain stopped by the time we got home so Bob rode a bike to his house. Then I took a break and Charlie and I stopped at Walgreens and went to visit Kim. After that we hurried home so TJ could drop the girls off for me to babysit. They had a gig at Hogfish. 

I was able to clean some more before Tom's sister Becky and her crew arrived for their Christmas vacation. The boys played hockey and I took TJ's kids home and put them to bed. 

Thursday, December 17, 2015

December 14, 2015


I was ready to go walking but Bob called and needed a ride home from work because he was sick and took him home. I then dropped Joe at the Habitat house to work with dad a few minutes. 

The band practiced for the Christmas concert at church. Charlie practiced his song for tomorrow's concert. 

I got the guest room ready for my parents arrival. Garrett helped me fix the strings on the ceiling fan. I made the beds with new quilts and sheets and put up new curtains. All I need is pictures for the walls. 

We went to Sloppy's. There was a great crowd tonight. My parents arrived. 

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

December 13, 2015


Went to church, then Tom took me over to the Habitat house for a peek. I hadn't seen it in a few days. They had started to lay the tile flooring in the kitchen. We came home and I sewed on a dress for Callie. 

Tom and I went to church in the evening. The boys couldn't play hockey because it rained and the rink was wet. 

December 12, 2015


Kim picked Tommy up at 9 AM for the Beach BBQ Baptism at Bahia Honda. Charlie and I followed a few minutes later. Randy and Mikki picked us up because I didn't have a car. 

The band went to Sunset Pier. After that they went to Schooner Wharf. I took Charlie to Kim's so he could practice with Kim for the Christmas concert. TJ met me there with the girls and I took them to my house for an hour, then I took them and Charlie to Schooner Wharf. Tonight was the lighted boat parade. Mikki and Deb came and sat with me. It was a long night. TJ, Ang, and Jake also had a gig at Green Parrot. When they were done they came over to Schooner and took the kids home. Soon after I rode home with Mikki and Deb.

Monday, December 14, 2015

December 11, 2015


TJ dropped the kids off at 9 AM. They had a gig at Blue Heaven with Joe. I helped Tommy with homework. He had two things to hand in today, one was a science experiment  and the other was 5 pictures he had to hand in that go with a grammar paper that is due next Friday. It's about family Christmas traditions, specifically a food, a special person or persons, and a specific tradition in your family. For the food he chose cinnamon rolls that I make for Christmas morning. He needed a picture so I taught him to make cinnamon rolls so we could take a picture of him with the finished rolls. That took the whole day off and on. 

I also had the boys set up the Christmas tree. Ed put the lights on so Callie could start decorating. The hard part was moving furniture and cleaning to make room for the tree. It looks nice now. 

TJ picked up his kids, the band went to Schooner, Kim came over and practiced with Charlie, the middle kids went to the movie night at church. I cut out a dress for Callie. 

Sunday, December 13, 2015

December 10, 2015


I went to Walgreens for stuff and bought Christmas lights. We did school and TJ brought the kids over for me to bbsit. I had to take Charlie to swimming so Tommy watched the kids while I was gone.  On the way back I picked up a few subs and Tom met me at home to eat. 

The kids went to youth group and Tom worked at the Habitat house all day. Ben went over and helped after youth group. They have been putting down backer board. I was going to take TJ's kids home and put them to bed there but I was without a car once more. TJ had to pick them up again. 

Friday, December 11, 2015

December 9, 2015


I walked and we did school. I had to run to Winn Dixie too. TJ dropped the kids off and I babysat. I planned on taking them to church for supper and Bible study, then putting them to bed at their house, but I ended up with no car. The Sprinter was at the shop, Tom had the Saturn at the Habitat house working on floors, and the boys took the GMC to their gig at Sunset Pier. 

 I folded lots of laundry and just after I finished Doug called and offered to come pick us up for church. That was good. We had been in the house all day. Later, I waited for the boys to bring home the GMC, but when they got here no one wanted to empty equipment so I could put the car seats in,  so TJ and Ang had to come here and pick up kids. Both the girls were asleep but Jake was awake.

December 8, 2015


I went walking and we did school. Charlie  went to his fiddle lesson but had to miss swimming because his fiddle group had a performance at Mallory Square. Fran and Georgina rode with Tom, Charlie, and I to KW. We went out to eat afterwards, then hurried home so the boys could play hockey. I did dishes and made a salad.