Thursday, December 3, 2015

December 2, 2015


I didn't go to my exercise class. Too much to do at home and I guess I just didn't want to go. Spent my day in the ordinary way of food prep, laundry, and school. Garrett went to Kim's to help with kids so she could get her laundry folded.

TJ dropped the kids of in the afternoon. I quilted a little and then we went to church for supper and Bible study. Afterwards I brought the kids to our house for about an hour, then took them to their house so they could go to bed there. 

My 'to do' list keeps getting longer and longer. That must be why I started quilting again-escape. I'm behind in my class, and with Garrett's algebra. I've got to finish recovering some seat cushions for someone at church, and there's a project Kim and I are working on for Christmas. 

Bob and Joe are moving out tomorrow so there will be cleaning and organizing to do in that room. The room is going from 5 boys to 3. Charlie feels like he has his own room because he's not in a bunk bed. Funny. 

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