Saturday, December 5, 2015

December 4, 2015


Today was rainy and gray, the second day in a row. It was so dark and gloomy in the house. Just when I started getting to work Tom asked me to bring Ben over to the Habitat house, so I did. We stopped at Winn Dixie and bought some breakfast food on our way. We picked up Joe and left some food for Bob because they didn't have any food yet at their apartment. 

The boys carried in a bunch of stuff that Home Depot dropped off. Then they worked at scraping stuff off the floors to get it ready to tile. Tom had to put in a new toilet. The other one was leaking. I scrubbed the bathtub and shower walls for two hours. Then I went home, but stopped again at Winn Dixie for milk, bread, yogurt, and bananas for the boys at home. 

Tommy worked on his schoolwork. I did laundry and ironed forever. I cleaned off the chair at Tom's desk where Tom throws all his clothes. Dumb stuff like that. I did dishes, then went back over to the house. Mikki and Randy went over too. On my way over I picked up subs for Tom and Ben, who never stopped working. I washed all the windows. Mikki finished cleaning up all the piles of floor scrapings that Ben left behind. Then the boys started putting down the backer board. Mikki and I went home. There wasn't anything else for us to do there. I got groceries, picked up Bob, and when I got home, made a late supper for Tom and Ben. 

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