Friday, December 11, 2015

December 9, 2015


I walked and we did school. I had to run to Winn Dixie too. TJ dropped the kids off and I babysat. I planned on taking them to church for supper and Bible study, then putting them to bed at their house, but I ended up with no car. The Sprinter was at the shop, Tom had the Saturn at the Habitat house working on floors, and the boys took the GMC to their gig at Sunset Pier. 

 I folded lots of laundry and just after I finished Doug called and offered to come pick us up for church. That was good. We had been in the house all day. Later, I waited for the boys to bring home the GMC, but when they got here no one wanted to empty equipment so I could put the car seats in,  so TJ and Ang had to come here and pick up kids. Both the girls were asleep but Jake was awake.

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