Monday, December 28, 2015

December 27, 2015


Went to church. Kim came over afterwards. I was able to do a little cross stitch. I made a salad. Tom worked on more tile. 

We were running late to leave for Schooner Wharf. Then realized the boys forgot to move stuff from the GMC back into the trailer so we had to move everything. Next we found out that Ben had the key for the lock on the trailer hitch and he was already in Key West. After getting all hyper and mad at us Tom cut it off and we left. 

Debbie came with her family and my cousin Jackie came with her family. Becky's crew came too. I was very tired by the end of the night. We got home at 2 AM. 

This pic is from a few days ago when Becky and company went fishing. 

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