Saturday, December 26, 2015

December 24, 2015


I can't even remember everything I did. Becky's crew took Ben and Tommy out fishing. Charlie was supposed to go but he had a fever the night before so he stayed home. He was very sad he couldn't go. They caught about 15 mahi mahi and kept 9. They made us a meal when they got back. 

I went to Winn Dixie and was back before 9 am. I put food away and then went to Walgreens. When I got home I started lentil and split pea soup in the crock pot. 
I wrapped a few presents and folded the laundry in the hallway. Tom worked on tile at the house. 

TJ stopped in with the kids at one point and we decorated the cookies. I also made three apple pies.

Tommy worked at all three Christmas Eve services at church and Garrett helped watch Kim's kids at our house. We all went to the 7:30 service but Garrett stayed home to watch Kim's kids. 

The church gave us leftover food from feeding the worship team and church workers and turns out we needed it. My soup that had been in he crockpot all day was not done. Maybe because it was a double batch, I'm not sure. 

I finished wrapping presents and was in bed at 3 am. Luckily, Joey took care of the stockings for me or I would have been up another hour. 

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