Saturday, September 12, 2015

September 12, 2015


I went grocery shopping and had to carry almost all the bags upstairs by myself. Feel sorry for me? Everyone was still sleeping when I got back, but Tommy got up and made the last two trips for me. Then it took me an hour to put it all away. 

I ran away and went swimming by myself for an hour. When I came back the band was gone. They went to play at a wedding in Key West. I helped Tommy with some homework until it was time for him to work at church. Then I did my homework for the class I'm taking at church. 

By the time I finished that it was 9:30. I made spaghetti for Tommy and Bob, and Charlie and I ate leftover soup and I had a salad. Tommy did his math homework and I did the dishes. I corrected his math, and while he did the corrections I made banana muffins. Ed had left banana French toast stuff in the fridge that needed to get used up or it was going to end up in the garbage, so even though I didn't want to, I made the muffins. 

I checked Tommy's math one more time and then we got ready for bed while the muffins cooked. I read a chapter to Charlie and went to bed at almost 1 AM. 

I really wanted to sew or quilt today. :0/

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