Wednesday, September 30, 2015

September 30, 2015


Yesterday TJ picked me up at 6:30 AM and we drove all day to Raleigh, NC. It was dark when I left and I could hardly see going down the stairs outside. I thought I was at the bottom of the stairs when I had one more step left. God was protecting me though and my foot slid off the step and I landed on my feet and didn't fall down, didn't get hurt at all. Scary. We need better lighting out there.

Anyways, we drove all day, and made it just outside of Raleigh, in Garner, where my aunt lives, about 10:30 PM.

I slept in till 9 and had a relaxing, lazy morning. I walked 3 1/2 miles, showered, and then we went to the IBMA convention in Raleigh. We hung out a little, listened to a some music, then Laurie and I took a walk. When we got back TJ and Ang were ready to eat supper so we walked to a Vegan restaurant two blocks from the convention center. The food was delicious. 

After eating we hurried through the convention center to the Marriott. We went to the California Bluegrass suite to watch a showcase by one of Angelica's friends, Molly Tuttle. When she finished Laurie and I were tired and went home. On the way we got mint chocolate chip milk shakes. We visited with Louis, then watched a little HGTV. Next, we watched an episode of 'Duck Dynasty.' It was the first time I watched it. I'm so behind the times, but we have no cable, and no TV so I don't get to watch anything. 

It was a fun day. I enjoyed it and  am looking forward to tomorrow. 

The thing built around the statue is built out of banjo rings and necks. Crazy!

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