Tuesday, September 8, 2015

September 8, 2015


Today was Tommy's first day of school. He had two online classes. Tomorrow he will have four. He doesn't like taking notes or writing down his assignments but I'm making him. :0)

Charlie had a fiddle lesson and then I did school with him. I thought we had all day, lots of time, and then someone reminded me that we had to leave for Sloppy's in a half hour. Ugh!! How did I forget that. I was able to go over Garrett's corrections in algebra and he better have finished the next lesson by the time I get home. 

We went to Sloppy's. It was a long night for everyone. We are all tired, but I guess Wednesday and Thursday are our weekend. It looks like I will have Friday off though. Everyone is going to Rock the Universe in Orlando. 

1 comment:

  1. "Everyone is going to Rock the Universe in Orlando" Who is everyone? That sounds like fun and is right on my way. Give me details please. Campgrounds near by?
