Saturday, September 19, 2015

September 19, 2015


I went to breakfast with Charlie and Rita. We went to Bistro 31, just 2 blocks from our house. On our way home we dropped off some stuff at Salvation Army. 

I spent the day cleaning in my room and closet, and did some more laundry. Rita made another trip to Savation Army for me. My closet is down one plastic bin. Woo hoo! There were two empty guitar cases in my closet. Why? 

Charlie and I went to Kim's studio for about an hour. We went to Winn Dixie afterwards but Charlie didn't have any shoes on so we couldn't go in. We went back home. 

I worked more in my closet, went back to Winn Dixie and got groceries, and went over some of Tommy's homework. Then Charlie and I watched "The Help."

The band had two gigs today at Sunset Pier. When they got home Charlie and I read "Little Britches." It's kind of a sad ending. We have one chapter left. 

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