Wednesday, September 2, 2015

September 1, 2015


I slept till 8:30 and just didn't have the energy to go walking. I also didn't want to deal with the heat. I made the kids banana muffins for breakfast . 

Bobby moved home for a couple weeks. He's waiting for a place to open up that he's going to rent. 

This week is my "pre-school" week. I kind of try things and see how they work and how it goes. If you try it during real school you end up wasting time looking for things, or making copies, and my students get bored and then I get frustrated. So, I did school with Charlie, checking things out, and had to get a few more books on our Kindles. 

Later, Rita stopped at Winn Dixie for me and when she got back Tommy cut up four heads of cauliflower. I made a 4-times batch of Buffalo cauliflower. When it was done we took it over to church for Stevie's 2nd birthday party.  That was a blast and Kim had great food. :0)

Afterwards, Tom and Rob went to the park for hockey. I cleared the table and did dishes. I read to Charlie and went to bed. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I've been following your blog since my husband and I saw the band play at Sloppy Joes in Key West back in late July. Blown away by the talent. Your family is awesome and the band is fantastic! (But I guess they are all one in the same lol). Anyway, just wondering if you'd be willing to share the Buffalo Caulifkower recipe you mention above? thAnks and God Bless!
