Friday, September 18, 2015

September 18, 2015


I went walking this morning, then
Made breakfast burritos. Today we did an artist study and a composer study. We also did geography and a folk song. Tommy has no classes on Fridays. I checked his homework and assignments and he has a lot of homework to do tomorrow. We did school till about 6 o'clock. 

Rob stopped in. The band went to The Hurricane. I stayed home tonight. I did half an algebra lesson, made spaghetti and a giant salad, and then did the dishes. I moved the laundry along, then read to Charlie. 

I'll have to check the weather. I'm not sure what I want to do tomorrow. I'd like to clean off my dresser. I'm not happy with the clutter in my room right now.

I forgot, Kim and Rita got their hair cut yesterday, and there has been so much road/sewer construction in our neighborhood for weeks. What a noisy mess. That's the view looking out from my teacher chair where I spend so much of my time. 

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