Saturday, March 12, 2016

March 11, 2016


Tommy woke up with a fever. He's looking for any excuse not to get his schoolwork done. Charlie's been the most neglected during all this moving. He's spent so much time on his iPad it makes me sick. I need to take it away for a while. 

I picked up Kim at 10 AM and we stopped at TJ's housee so I could water my plants. (We are not done moving). Then we went to the studio and I helped Kim beam her warp onto her loom. I went home and wasn't there long when Joe texted me asking for a ride to church to get an amp. I made him get groceries with me. I'm sneaky. 

On my way to pick him up, about a half mile from our house there was a man standing in the middle of the road with a shirt on but no pants. Oh my! I drove around him and after another 1/2 mile to Joe's house I called the police. I picked up Joe and we passed a police car heading that way. When I told the story to Ben later he said they had drivin on Watson too and that their had been an ambulance there. I was glad they found the guy and hopefully he will get the help he needs. 

Deb invited us over again, so Mikki picked up Charlie and I. We went back to Deb's house for more swimming. We ate pizza for supper and sat out on the screened-in porch. It was a beautiful evening. 

This bug was under TJ's house. Eeek! 

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