Wednesday, March 23, 2016

March 23, 2016

Tuesday and Wednesday 


I dropped Tom off at work, then drove to the park to get his glasses. They were right where he left them. I took them back to him and then took Charlie to his fiddle lesson. Today he had a group lesson and I stayed to watch. His teacher is moving but is going to keep teaching the kids through Skype. She will give them three lessons and on the fourth week I will give the kids a group lesson. 

When Charlie and I went to leave the Tahoe wouldn't start. I sat there for a few minutes and then I saw Kim. She gave Charlie and I a ride home. I had something to eat and then it was time to leave for Sloppy's. All the boys (Tom included) seem to think they should get ready to leave at the time we should actually be leaving. Grrrr. 

I met a couple from Eden and I knew the guy's brother. That was cool. :0)


I went walking and practiced fiddle with Charlie. We did school and even sat out on the porch and read. Ed mopped the floor throughout the house. Thanks Ed!!

The boys had a meeting and then practiced. Then they went to Sunset Pier. Tommy worked at church.  Tom worked late, picked up Charlie and me, and then we went to church. Kim wasn't there. She wasn't feeling well. 

On our way out of church we talked to Dick and Judy, and Dick sold us a 2002 GMC Denali. It's really nice and I was really excited. Tom acted like it was for me, but I'll get to that in a minute. On our way home from church we stopped at Bobby's. He said the oven/stove wasn't working, which also meant the electric (fridge) in the other apartment was messed up. 

Tom worked on that electrical panel for close to two hours. When he got something to work, something else didn't work. I was also scared he was going to get electricuted. He finally got the wall to work with their wifi and the air conditioner. That made the electric not work in Kurt's room but too bad. We needed to go home. 

I threw in a load of wash and when the boys got home from their gig I heard Tom telling them about the new truck, and that it's set up for towing, and from the way they talked I could tell it won't be for me. Ben  and Ed will use it. They are already talking about taking it to Nashville. And they will leave their garbage all over  just like they do in every other vehicle. And I'll be the one stuck at home without a vehicle, again. The Sprinter is still in the shop (since before Christmas), the Tahoe is broke down in the church parking lot (and it's TJ's), and Tom thinks the little black car has a broken power steering line. I don't like the little black car. I don't even have a bike. Do you feel sorry for me yet?

I don't even know if I should post this. There's an awful lot of whining. Maybe you all will forgive me. I still have a cold.

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