Monday, March 14, 2016

March 14, 2016


I walked 4 miles this morning, then did school with Charlie. At 3:15 the insurance company for our homeowner's called and I had to go to their office to sign papers and write them checks. It was bad timing because we were supposed to leave for our gig at 3:30, but I didn't have much of a choice, plus I figured the boys would all be late. I couldn't call Tom because his phone was messed up. So I just went. 

It didn't take too long, I was two blocks from TJ's house so I picked him up. Jake was still a little sick so he didn't go. Then we met everyone else at Walgreens and switched propel around. We took two vehicles. The Sprinter is still in the shop. They are still waiting on a part. 

We played our gig at Sloppy's. I got spicy salami foccacia from Duetto's and a peanut butter cup from Kilwin's. Charlie got a carmel apple. 

It was hot today. Feels almost like summer. 

We are closing on our house tomorrow. There is so much going on I'm ready to pull my hair out.

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