Monday, August 31, 2015

August 31, 2015


I had some quiet time this morning and then went walking. Got back at 10:30, showered and ate oatmeal with a chopped up pear in it. I started school with Charlie today, from 11-2:30 and Charlie practiced piano. He might be the best piano player out of the bunch. It's a sad thing when you are a piano teacher and none of your kids want to play piano. :0/ Charlie might break that pattern. I'm using Ambleside Online, Veritas,History, and Saxon Math with him this year.

We left the house at 3:35. We left it a mess. The dishes weren't done, someone left cardboard all over the couch, and we all need to unpack.

We played at Sloppy's. I went to Duetto's during the first break and Earthbound during the second break. I bought Charlie a sword and a ring that he wanted. 

On the way home we stopped at Winn Dixie. Looks like they were stocked up on water for the storm. All this water was outside on the sidewalk.

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