Tuesday, May 31, 2016

May 28, 2016


Yesterday we drove from Nashville to Wind Gap, PA. We left at 7 AM and arrived about midnight. Our ride was pretty comfortable but my eyes were starting to itch. My parents were already at the festival and hanging out with TJ and Angelica. Stacey and her gang were there too.

I set my alarm and had to wake everyone up to go to the festival. When we left we found out that our AC wasn't working...again. You can imagine how sad we all were. (Wind Gap set a record temp of 95 today and we had just paid $800 a few days ago in Murfreesboro to have it fixed). Ed was playing bass for Angleica's set at 10:30 AM. They did great and Jale was a big hit. 

I got to hang out with Stacey the whole day. Angelica had a second set and we had our first set, both on the progressive stage. It rained. Camping is hard with little kids but Stacey and Angelica did great. I helped watch grand kids during Angelica's sets. 

Our second set was at 11:15 but it was about midnight when we went on. The boys were great. It was so much fun watching them. We (Stacey and I) were so tired when they were done and my eyes were killing me. I knew I had pink eye. We said our goodbyes and went to the hotel. We got to bed at 3:30 AM.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

May 26, 2016


Charlie was so excited to go swimming today but the campground pool was closed. It just opened yesterday. Ed, Ben, and Kurt went to Nashville to do more song writing. I think Kurt hung out with Liza. We  (Tom, Charlie, Mikki, Randy, and I) went into Nashville to walk around because we hadn't  been to Broadway yet. We ended up eating at Hard Rock Cafe. We didn't plan quite right and ended up in rush hour traffic on the ride home. Not fun, but we made the best of it. 

After that we all needed a little vedge time, and that's all we got, Charlie raced to the pool but was in only 3 seconds when there was thunder and they closed the pool. 

We got back into Mikki's car and went to meet everyone at Demos in Murfreesboro for supper. It was also Mike's birthday. Mikki and Randy dropped us off. Afterwards, Kurt took us back to the campground and then drove Liza home. 

We leave tomorrow for Wind Gap, PA for a bluegrass festival.  I set my alarm for 5:15 AM. 

May 25, 2016


The Walkers left this morning. Charlie cried. He had a lot of fun hanging out with them. 

Ed and Ben met with a songwriter in Nashville. When it was time for the rest of us to go into Nashville for a business meeting with our new manager, a wrench was thrown into our plans. TJ and Angelica's van broke down in Murfreesboro and we drove out there to help. It was a belt and it took all four of our guys, including Mike Toshach, to get it back together.

Getting is all around to our different places became a chore because the AC in our Denali died and Tom took it to a shop. 

Anyways, our meeting was postponed an hour and we all made it. Mikki and Randy were with us too. Afterwards we took a walk and went out to eat.

Friday, May 27, 2016

May 24, 2016


Highlights: Tom and I went to Panera bread for the first time. Randy turned us on to cinnamon crunch bagels (super yummy!)

Angelica took the kids to the zoo.

The band rehearsed with Jeff, then we met them for burgers before heading over to The Basement where the boys played a half hour showcase. Liza C., and Mike and Brittany came to see us. (They boys were awesome!) 

Charlie loved hanging out with the Walkers. After the showcase the boys hung out in Nashville, the Walkers towed our trailer back to the campground, and we (Tom, Mikki, and I) also went back to the campground. 

Thursday, May 26, 2016

May 23, 2016


We had a great night's sleep at a hotel and then met our friends, Irv and Wanda, at Cracker Barrel for breakfast. I love going out for breakfast, and lunch, and supper, but breakfast is my favorite. 

Our destination today was a campground in Smyrna, TN. Randy and Mikki were ahead of us and decided to stay at a different campground than we had planned. Just before we arrived we found out the Walkers (Redhead Express) were staying at the same campground. We could hardly believe it. 

Tom, Charlie, and I stayed with Mikki and Randy in their RV at the campground.  Ed, Joe, Ben, and Kurt took the Denali and stayed at their cousin Mike's house in Murfreesboro, and TJ's family stayed at a hotel in Nashville. 

Later, Ed picked up Tom, me, Mikki, Randy, and Meghan, and we went into Nashville to see Vince Gill and the Time Jumpers at a little place called 3rd and Lindsley. We had a great time, and Charlie stayed with the Walkers and he had a great time too!

I had to send Kim a picture of a hill and a field, something we never see anymore. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

May 22, 2016


We left this morning at 10 AM for Nashville, but our first stop was on the north side of Atlanta. I started a quilt project, English paper piecing, and the drive sped by for me. We drove by two accidents. The first was a truck off the road in the trees. The second was a suicide attempt. Someone was threatening to jump off a bridge onto the highway and the southbound lanes were closed. We were headed north and didn't get stuck there. It took the police four hours to talk the person out of jumping.

We arrived at our hotel just after midnight. Charlie got a whole bed to himself. :0)

This is my home schooling coffee travel mug. It's all I could find. 

Monday, May 23, 2016

May 21, 2016


Today was busy. I knew I needed to get a lot done. First, I went grocery shopping; some for Garrett and Tommy, who are staying home, and some food for us while traveling to Nashville. Ii did laundry, folded it, and put it all away. I did dishes, then packed for myself and Charlie. 

Meanwhile, both Charlie and Tommy each had a friend over, and I watched TJ's kids so he and Angelica could pack for the trip. Then they went out for lunch with Connie, who they don't get to see often. I watched the kids a while longer so they could finish up their packing. 

The band went to a gig at Schooner Wharf. Garrett went with them. 

I took the grand kids home at 8, then Charlie and I stopped at Winn Dixie.  We bought frozen pizzas, a chocolate cake, and a sub. When we got home we ate and I worked on a project for a while. Tommy took his math exam tonight.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

May 19, 2016


The last few days...

Tuesday - TJ dropped his van off at Dick's shop this morning and needed a ride home so I went and picked him up. Charlie and I had our fiddle lessons via Skype, then We did school tIll it was time to leave for the gig. I drove Kurt's car with Tommy and Charlie and picked up TJ and Jake. We dropped TJ off at Walgreens so the band could pick him up, and we proceeded to swim lessons. 

It is so hot out. The heat index is 100 degrees. Kurt has been having trouble with the AC in his car but it worked great for me on the way to swimming. After swimming we went to Sloppys. I drove Kurt's car on the way home and the AC didn't work. Sooo hot.


We had our fiddle jam at the church today. TJ and Kim helped out and Tom played bass. It was fun. Afterwards we did school and went to church in the evening. I picked up Callie and Violet because TJ's van was still at the shop. Angelica, Jake, and Hazel walked to church. TJ was with the band at Sunset Pier and had left his car seats in his van by accident. 

After church I did dishes and stayed up to late reading. There was a wicked thunderstorm tonight and it poured. Ed left his van windows open and his van turned into a fish bowl. 


Ed found Tom's wallet in his van. He just cancelled his credit cards yesterday and got his new license the day before. There was another thunderstorm this morning. We haven't had rain for so long. Ally plants on the porch were overflowing. 

The band practiced at the studio Monday, Tuesday, and today. They are getting ready for our trip to Nashville. I did school till with Charlie till he left for swim class, then went over twoath lessons with Tommy. Today was his last day of class. His exams are next week. This was his first year doing all online live classes. 

Bobby picked me up just after 6 o'clock and we went to Kim's house. I brought a salad with kidney beams and Kim fed Bob. After we ate we played scrabble. Bobby won even tho he was behind the whole game. 

I came home, made some cookies, did dishes, and went to bed 

Here's a pick of TJ and Hazel. 

Monday, May 16, 2016

May 16, 2016


I didn't go to the beach with Charlie today. I stayed home to try and catch up on chores and stuff. I watered my plants and swept and washed the kitchen floor. I had Garrett fold laundry. That's about it. TJ tried to find another sitter but couldn't get anyone so I went over and watched the kids. They played at Hogfish.


We went to church, went home and I made lunch for Tom and I, a big salad with tomatoes, red peppers, cucumbers, and kidney beans. I've been putting hot sauce on my salads lately. 

Ed and Ben went to Key West to play a gig with Nina. 

TJ brought the kids over. They took Hazel with them and I watched the other three. We took them over to Ida's house and went swimming. We hurried home at 5 o'clock, changed our clothes, and went to our class at church. When we got home the neighbors invited the kids over to play on a giant jump house water slide that they had rented for a party. They had a blast. Violet was a little under the weather all day. She had a fever and kept falling asleep. So she didn't go to the neighbors. She fell asleep instead. I think she's getting more teeth.

Rob came up and he and Tom went to the park and played hockey. I made supper. Leftover salad from lunch with tofu, mushrooms, and potatoes (with BBQ sauce). TJ and Angelica picked up the kids about 9:30 PM.

Dishes are backed up. I didn't feel like doing them.


I walked 3 1/2 miles and did school with Charlie. We both practiced fiddle. Then Tommy, Charlie, and I picked up Jake and went to Charlie's swim class. We sat in the shade but it was so hot. The temp was 85 but the heat index was 94. 

I had no problems driving and parking at Sloppys. It was a loud, busy night. I took a short walk with Ed during the second break. 

We are driving home now. I'll probably do dishes when we get home. I'm mad at Tommy for not doing his math homework so he will do that when we get home.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

May 13, 2016


I got stuck in paperwork today. Updated addresses from our move, paid some bills, ordered stuff.

Later, Tom, Charlie, Bobby, and I went out on Mikki and Randy's boat. We picked Bobby up at his house from the canal. 

The boys practiced a long time at church and then played hockey in the evening. 

Friday, May 13, 2016

May 12, 2016


Doug and Emma left this morning. Poor Ben. His wisdom teeth are bothering him now. The boys were supposed to practice but didn't. We all went over to TJ's at 2 o'clock for Violet's birthday party. We all had a great time hanging out and talking. That doesn't happen very often. Afterwards Tom helped TJ work on his van and I went upstairs with Kim and Angelica. We hung out for a while, I did the dishes and knitted. Charlie went to swimming. The other kids went to church to set up for youth group. Tom dropped me off at Winn Dixie and he went to get gas but came back because he didn't have his wallet. 

We got home and ate a snack. Bobby came over and we played Scrabble while I made supper and a strawberry-rhubarb pie. I did the dishes, but not all of them. 

Thursday, May 12, 2016

May 11, 2016


Today was Tom's birthday, but not a party day. Everyone had gigs, TJ and Ang at Blue Heaven, the band at Sunset Pier, and Doug at Boondocks. 

In all the craziness I had Doug take Charlie to church to drop him off for swimming, but today was the wrong day. Somehow I was thinking it was Thirsday. So Doug took him to TJ's house and Tom and I met there an hour later. I  babysit and Tom workers on their van. 

Tom took all the kids except Hazel to church in the evening. Hazel and I stayed home and had a pretty relaxing time. I did the dishes and picked up the girls room. 

TJ got home around 11 PM.  Doug got home, then me, and then the band. We visited for a while and got to bed too late again. Doug and Emma leave in the morning. They're going to stop in Nashville and look at some colleges on their way home.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

May 10, 2016


I took Charlie to swimming at 3:30 and then we met the band at Schooner Wharf. Mikki and Randy came. Today was Mikki's birthday. Doug Y. played with the boys quite a bit. It was a fun evening and then TJ drove home with me. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

May 9, 2016


Tommy and Jake went with Charlie and me to swimming at 3:30. The band also left at 3:30 for Sloppy Joes. The humidity was low today so it was beautiful out, a great day to sit out by the pool and watch the swimmers. Then we went to Sloppy's. 

When I took the little boys to Duetto's it was packed with people, so we went to Mattheson's instead. The boys got ice cream and I got the best hot fudge Sunday ever. 

I think I did the dishes again when I got home but now I can't remember. I am up too late. I  am to tired . 

May 8, 2016

Sunday (Mother's Day)

We went to church. The kids led worship today. After church Tom and I dropped Charlie of at a friend's house. We stopped at Walgreens and bought shoe polish for Tom. I couldn't believe that the Walgreens here on Big Pine had it. Next we stopped at Tom Thumb to say hi to Bobby, and then we finally went home. 

I cleaned Tommy and Charlie's room and changed the bedding, getting it ready for Doug Yeomans visit. Ben and Emma left after church to go pick him up at the airport on the mainland. I watered my plants, swept the kitchen, and spot-cleaned the floor again. Tom hung the big sun on the end of the house. I'll have to take a picture of it. 

At 5 o'clock we went to Randy and Mikki's house to watch yesterday's race. Right before we left I remembered that I told her I'd bring a salad and I'd forgotten to make it, so I went back in the house and made the salad. Mikki fed us real good. She always does. :0) Ed joined us there. 

Some of the boys played hockey at the park. I went home from Mikki's and Ben and Emma arrived with Doug just after I got home. Then the hockey players came back. We all visited and I did the dishes

Sunday, May 8, 2016

May 7, 2016


Charlie and  I went to the beach at 8:30 AM. It was a beautiful day and there was no seaweed on the beach. I could have stayed longer but we left at 12:30 to get a futon that I bought. Doug Md Joe went with me and helped. It was on Big Pine so it didn't take long at all. 

I picked up Violet from Kim's house. Kim watched her so TJ and family could go to a Panthers hockey event on the mainland. I watched her for the rest of the day. I watered my plants. It took an hour because I have to use two gallon jugs. 

When Tom was done working we went to Home Depot. We took Violet and everyone loved her. She was so good and sweet all day. Tom bought fencing for around my shade garden, to keep the deer out, and hose so it will be easier to water my plants. 

On the way home we stopped at TJ's house because they were almost home. They watched a little hockey and we went home. I did dishes, cleaned the kitchen, swept and spot-cleaned the floor. I got to bed at 1 AM. 

Thursday, May 5, 2016

May 4, 2016


I started teaching piano lessons again and my first student was this morning. I bought a little water fountain a few days ago and Garrett helped me to get it working. 

It was windy and rainy looking all day but the rain part of the storm missed is. 

We went to chirch in the evening. I hoped to get groceries tonight to but it didn't happen. Maybe tomorrow. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

May 3, 2016


Charlie had his first fiddle lesson on Skype this morning. Then I had a lesson at noon. I printed off contracts and did paperwork. Afterwards, I took Joe to Dean's house to pick up his bass and both basses were ready. Next, we stopped at Walgreens, I bought envelopes, and we went home. We all hurried to get ready for Sloppy Joes, but Kurt had to go to Ave C to pick up more CDs, and in between everything I squeezed in some school with Charlie.

It was so hot today and the AC at Sloppys wasn't working so great. We were all melting, except for Tom. He had his long sleeve shirt on. 

Dick wants to keep my truck till Firday. He had to order a part for the trailer brake thing. :0(

Monday, May 2, 2016

May 2, 2016


I've gotten behind writing again, and I forgot to mention that on Thursday I went with Ben to Dr. C's. Ben had an infection on a finger next to his fingernail that was getting worse, so we went to have it checked out. The Dr. couldn't find any puss, but eventually found out that it was an ingrown fingernail. Ben ended up with the side of his fingernail cut out and one stitch. Ben came home with a case of the heebie geebies. 

Friday morning I watched Kim's kids for three hours at her house so she could get some weaving done. Friday night we went with Randy and Mikki to Boondocks to see The Redhead Express. We originally met them in Branson, MO. It was a fun evening. Tj and Angelica came with Hazel. Tommy babysat their other kids. 

I can't remember Saturday except that Charlie and I did not go to the beach, and the band played at Sunset Pier for sunset. 

Sunday morning I watched Violet because she was sick, so Tj could take Jake and Callie to church. I made chili (vegan) and cornbread. Mikki and Randy came over and we watched the race. In the evening tommy and I went to church and the band went to Schooner Wharf. 

Monday morning I went walking. I did school with Charlie, then took Joe over to Dean's to pick up his bass. It needed a little more work so I took Joe back home. I picked up Tj and Jake in my Truck :0) and we drove separate to Sloppy's. It was a busy night. Afterwards I took Jake and TJ home, then took the truck to Dick's shop so he could put some part on it, something to do with towing, brakes, something like that. Tom picked me up there. 

We came home to our garbage dumped in the yard from the deer. Tommy and I cleaned it up. Then I did the dishes. 

I'm too tired to proof read this. I hope everything is spelled right and makes sense.

My dad found this flower growing in vines behind his house. It's diameter is about three inches.

A second flower on my shaving brush tree.