Thursday, May 19, 2016

May 19, 2016


The last few days...

Tuesday - TJ dropped his van off at Dick's shop this morning and needed a ride home so I went and picked him up. Charlie and I had our fiddle lessons via Skype, then We did school tIll it was time to leave for the gig. I drove Kurt's car with Tommy and Charlie and picked up TJ and Jake. We dropped TJ off at Walgreens so the band could pick him up, and we proceeded to swim lessons. 

It is so hot out. The heat index is 100 degrees. Kurt has been having trouble with the AC in his car but it worked great for me on the way to swimming. After swimming we went to Sloppys. I drove Kurt's car on the way home and the AC didn't work. Sooo hot.


We had our fiddle jam at the church today. TJ and Kim helped out and Tom played bass. It was fun. Afterwards we did school and went to church in the evening. I picked up Callie and Violet because TJ's van was still at the shop. Angelica, Jake, and Hazel walked to church. TJ was with the band at Sunset Pier and had left his car seats in his van by accident. 

After church I did dishes and stayed up to late reading. There was a wicked thunderstorm tonight and it poured. Ed left his van windows open and his van turned into a fish bowl. 


Ed found Tom's wallet in his van. He just cancelled his credit cards yesterday and got his new license the day before. There was another thunderstorm this morning. We haven't had rain for so long. Ally plants on the porch were overflowing. 

The band practiced at the studio Monday, Tuesday, and today. They are getting ready for our trip to Nashville. I did school till with Charlie till he left for swim class, then went over twoath lessons with Tommy. Today was his last day of class. His exams are next week. This was his first year doing all online live classes. 

Bobby picked me up just after 6 o'clock and we went to Kim's house. I brought a salad with kidney beams and Kim fed Bob. After we ate we played scrabble. Bobby won even tho he was behind the whole game. 

I came home, made some cookies, did dishes, and went to bed 

Here's a pick of TJ and Hazel. 

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