Sunday, May 8, 2016

May 7, 2016


Charlie and  I went to the beach at 8:30 AM. It was a beautiful day and there was no seaweed on the beach. I could have stayed longer but we left at 12:30 to get a futon that I bought. Doug Md Joe went with me and helped. It was on Big Pine so it didn't take long at all. 

I picked up Violet from Kim's house. Kim watched her so TJ and family could go to a Panthers hockey event on the mainland. I watched her for the rest of the day. I watered my plants. It took an hour because I have to use two gallon jugs. 

When Tom was done working we went to Home Depot. We took Violet and everyone loved her. She was so good and sweet all day. Tom bought fencing for around my shade garden, to keep the deer out, and hose so it will be easier to water my plants. 

On the way home we stopped at TJ's house because they were almost home. They watched a little hockey and we went home. I did dishes, cleaned the kitchen, swept and spot-cleaned the floor. I got to bed at 1 AM. 

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