Tuesday, May 31, 2016

May 28, 2016


Yesterday we drove from Nashville to Wind Gap, PA. We left at 7 AM and arrived about midnight. Our ride was pretty comfortable but my eyes were starting to itch. My parents were already at the festival and hanging out with TJ and Angelica. Stacey and her gang were there too.

I set my alarm and had to wake everyone up to go to the festival. When we left we found out that our AC wasn't working...again. You can imagine how sad we all were. (Wind Gap set a record temp of 95 today and we had just paid $800 a few days ago in Murfreesboro to have it fixed). Ed was playing bass for Angleica's set at 10:30 AM. They did great and Jale was a big hit. 

I got to hang out with Stacey the whole day. Angelica had a second set and we had our first set, both on the progressive stage. It rained. Camping is hard with little kids but Stacey and Angelica did great. I helped watch grand kids during Angelica's sets. 

Our second set was at 11:15 but it was about midnight when we went on. The boys were great. It was so much fun watching them. We (Stacey and I) were so tired when they were done and my eyes were killing me. I knew I had pink eye. We said our goodbyes and went to the hotel. We got to bed at 3:30 AM.

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