Thursday, May 12, 2016

May 11, 2016


Today was Tom's birthday, but not a party day. Everyone had gigs, TJ and Ang at Blue Heaven, the band at Sunset Pier, and Doug at Boondocks. 

In all the craziness I had Doug take Charlie to church to drop him off for swimming, but today was the wrong day. Somehow I was thinking it was Thirsday. So Doug took him to TJ's house and Tom and I met there an hour later. I  babysit and Tom workers on their van. 

Tom took all the kids except Hazel to church in the evening. Hazel and I stayed home and had a pretty relaxing time. I did the dishes and picked up the girls room. 

TJ got home around 11 PM.  Doug got home, then me, and then the band. We visited for a while and got to bed too late again. Doug and Emma leave in the morning. They're going to stop in Nashville and look at some colleges on their way home.

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