Sunday, May 29, 2016

May 26, 2016


Charlie was so excited to go swimming today but the campground pool was closed. It just opened yesterday. Ed, Ben, and Kurt went to Nashville to do more song writing. I think Kurt hung out with Liza. We  (Tom, Charlie, Mikki, Randy, and I) went into Nashville to walk around because we hadn't  been to Broadway yet. We ended up eating at Hard Rock Cafe. We didn't plan quite right and ended up in rush hour traffic on the ride home. Not fun, but we made the best of it. 

After that we all needed a little vedge time, and that's all we got, Charlie raced to the pool but was in only 3 seconds when there was thunder and they closed the pool. 

We got back into Mikki's car and went to meet everyone at Demos in Murfreesboro for supper. It was also Mike's birthday. Mikki and Randy dropped us off. Afterwards, Kurt took us back to the campground and then drove Liza home. 

We leave tomorrow for Wind Gap, PA for a bluegrass festival.  I set my alarm for 5:15 AM. 

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