Tuesday, May 10, 2016

May 8, 2016

Sunday (Mother's Day)

We went to church. The kids led worship today. After church Tom and I dropped Charlie of at a friend's house. We stopped at Walgreens and bought shoe polish for Tom. I couldn't believe that the Walgreens here on Big Pine had it. Next we stopped at Tom Thumb to say hi to Bobby, and then we finally went home. 

I cleaned Tommy and Charlie's room and changed the bedding, getting it ready for Doug Yeomans visit. Ben and Emma left after church to go pick him up at the airport on the mainland. I watered my plants, swept the kitchen, and spot-cleaned the floor again. Tom hung the big sun on the end of the house. I'll have to take a picture of it. 

At 5 o'clock we went to Randy and Mikki's house to watch yesterday's race. Right before we left I remembered that I told her I'd bring a salad and I'd forgotten to make it, so I went back in the house and made the salad. Mikki fed us real good. She always does. :0) Ed joined us there. 

Some of the boys played hockey at the park. I went home from Mikki's and Ben and Emma arrived with Doug just after I got home. Then the hockey players came back. We all visited and I did the dishes

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