Tuesday, May 3, 2016

May 3, 2016


Charlie had his first fiddle lesson on Skype this morning. Then I had a lesson at noon. I printed off contracts and did paperwork. Afterwards, I took Joe to Dean's house to pick up his bass and both basses were ready. Next, we stopped at Walgreens, I bought envelopes, and we went home. We all hurried to get ready for Sloppy Joes, but Kurt had to go to Ave C to pick up more CDs, and in between everything I squeezed in some school with Charlie.

It was so hot today and the AC at Sloppys wasn't working so great. We were all melting, except for Tom. He had his long sleeve shirt on. 

Dick wants to keep my truck till Firday. He had to order a part for the trailer brake thing. :0(

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