Sunday, December 18, 2016

December 18, 2016


I woke up nice and early and woke Tommy up to work at church. I had lots of time to read too, before we had to leave for church. The Denali wouldn't start so we had to take the GMC.

Tom's sister, Becky,  and Dan got here yesterday. After church they went to the flea market. I tried to put stuff away in my room. It is very cluttered. Ed rearranged the living room while I was in NY. The room looks great, but he moved stuff into my room, which is already a small room. I can hardly walk in here now. My quilt frame was taken apart and its pieces are laying on the floor at the foot of my bed. It's a mess. 

Yesterday, Charlie was disappointed because he missed the church baptism at the beach so I took him to Deb's house to swim. We weren't there long when TJ called and needed a babysitter, so I had him bring the kids to our house. We met him there and then Callie and Violet helped me put the decorations on the tree. 

Back to today...Tom drove the band to Schooner Wharf. I rode with Mikki and Deb. Ed had me take his van to church so Meghan could drive it down to Schooner when they got into town. 

It was a fun night but I am so tired and there is so much to do this week. I'm going to open up my calendar book in the morning and try to see what needs to be done. 


Monday, December 12, 2016


Trying to get pictures to post


December 13, 2016


We are too busy. I am too busy. This week was crazy.  Doug Yeomans was with us this week helping us out because Ed and Ben were in Nashville. 

My dad passed away this week. He is with Jesus. Anita's words, "Forever happy hour." I am sad that I won't be picking berries (or Japanese beetles) with him in the summertime anymore, but it's ok. I know he loved me and he knows I loved him. I wish he could have been here longer, but it's ok. Right now Tom and I are driving to Lauderdale to fly to Buffalo for the week. The kids are staying home. They have gigs and one more week of school until Christmas vacation. 

We were back to our old car troubles this week. On Wednesday I was at Kim's and when we went to leave for church my truck wouldn't start, and I was blocking  her car from leaving. That was a big pain. Tom got it home the next morning and thought he fixed it but when I went to go out the next day, same thing, it wouldn't start. Tom had it towed to the shop. Friday I brought it home from the shop and we took it to our gig. At around 10 at night a trolley driver said she couldn't get past it. All the other trolley drivers got past it. It was a tight squeeze though. So Tom went to move it and it wouldn't start. They had to push it down the street and call a tow truck again. Then, during the gig, Tom got a ride home from our neighbor who was at the show and he drove the GMC back to Key West in order to get the band and trailer home when they were done. 

Also, TJ and I rode to the gig a little later than the band with Mikki and Randy. When we were halfway there Joe called TJ with news that they had forgotten the in-ears and they were in TJ's van. So we turned around. Just after that, I got a notification on my phone, that there was an accident blocking both lanes of traffic just before TJ's house. We did not want to get stuck in traffic. Tommy and Garrett were at the movie night at church, so I had Garrett ride his bike to TJ's, get the in-ears, and then ride through all the chaos and meet us on the other side at the Shell Station. It all worked out, and then we had the trouble with the truck later. 

Tom worked at home this week. He and Garrett screened in the downstairs and then put in a sliding glass door. It's starting to look nice down there and give us some more space. 


Saturday, December 3, 2016

December 3, 2016



I have a little bit of a cold and slept horribly last night. So this morning I went downstairs and sat in the hammock chair and read for quite a while. Kim texted that she and the kids were going to stop in  so I cleared of the kitchen table and tried to pick up a little.  Yesterday a neighbor gave me a turkey so I made some stuffing, stuffed the turkey, and set it to cooking in the roaster pan. Charlie and I went to Kim's and I threaded more heddles on the loom. One more day threading and that part will be done. 

After that we stopped at Winn Dixie and picked up a few things. Then I worked on supper for quite a while and made a big mess. I went ahead and ate. Tom and Ben were downstairs working on installing a sliding glass door. Joe was there too and Charlie ran upstairs while I was doing dishes to say that Joe was having a seizure. 

A few of the boys went to play hockey. Joe stayed with me and fell asleep on the couch. I did a Spanish lesson and the boys came back from hockey.

 Tom watched hockey on TV and Ben, Ed, Tommy, and Charlie played Risk. I put the leftovers away and did dishes again. 

Tom sent the boys to the church after midnight to move the Saturn, which is broke down in the church parking lot, so it's not in the way for church tomorrow.  I told them to go see Bob on their way home. 

Monday, November 21, 2016

November 21, 2016


We have this week off from school and swim practice, a week to stop pushing and slow down. Garrett was sick during the night with the flu so this morning I went to Walgreens for medicine. Ben woke up sick too. I made a grocery list to finish my Thanksgiving shopping and then picked up Joe to go with me. First, we stopped at the bank, then went to Winn Dixie. Things were busy by the time we were checking out. The manager called people to help from the deli, produce, and the bakery. He was ringing up groceries too and the food was flying. He must be an expert. 

Anyways, we went home and Joe helped bring the food up. I put it all away and it was time to go to Sloppy's. I made up my mind not to go but at the last minute changed my mind and went. 


Thursday, November 17, 2016

November 17, 2016


I took today off school. Tommy and Garrett had classes but I had Charlie just do his history class on the computer. I went to Kim's studio about 12:30 and wound my warp. I'm getting ready for Kim to show me ice dying and then I will be starting a project on a loom. 


 When I got home I sat at my sewing machine and worked on a project. I made supper and when Tom got home from work we ate. The other boys were at youth group, except Ed. I think he's in Idaho. He said it was snowing. 

Tom fell asleep watching hockey. I ordered an iron and helped Tommy with homework. Then went to bed. 

Monday, November 7, 2016

November 7, 2016



Last night I was going to go to Winn Dixie but my truck was dead. Nothing. :( Wah!!!

Monday's are busy for me. I went walking and then started school. Charlie had a fiddle lesson via Skype. We did math and then I had my fiddle lesson, but had to cut it short because Charlie art class started before my lesson was done and we had only one computer. Ed took his to Nashville. I packed up my stuff and went to Tjs to babysit. TJ, Ang, Jake, Joe, and Kurt had a gig at Sloppy Joes. Mikki and Randy went. Callie went too. Georgina took Charlie to swimming. Tommy worked at church. 

I came home and found the AC not working! Grrrrr! Luckily, it's not super hot out, but the unit is brand new. We've been in the house about 8 months. :0(

Friday, November 4, 2016

November 4, 2016


This morning I went with Ed, Ethan, and Ben to Marathon to add Ethan to my phone plan. Afterwards we ate at IHOP. When I got home we did school from 1-6 o'clock. I made Buffalo cauliflower, a salad, and apple crisp for supper. Emma arrived and brought presents for Ben. His birthday is Sunday.

The boys played hockey. I wanted to get another Spanish lesson done to get caught up to Tommy, (I am only 3 behind) but I did dishes instead. 


November 4, 2016

I haven't written in a few weeks because the app I used glitches and was no longer available. Cross your fingers. I hope this works. :0)


Friday, October 14, 2016

October 13, 2016

October 13, 2016

Went to Hillsboro Beach this week. Donald Trump was at this house a mile away from us.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

October 4, 2016


I didn't go to gigs Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday, but stayed home to get work done. I helped kids with schoolwork,  listened to my lectures,  got groceries, and cleaned a little. Charlie went to swimming with Georgina yesterday and today. I wish I could have gone swimming. I can't remember the last time I went.

Angelica came over and tried on her bridesmaid dress for Connie's wedding. I am going to hem it. I did schoolwork with Garrett and Tommy until I 8 o'clock when Tommy and I went to Winn Dixie. I bought 10 more gallons of water,  non perishable food, and batteries. The hurricane is supposed to miss us but I want to be prepared in case the electric goes out or whatever. 

I have to get up about 5:50 AM to take Garrett to the bus stop for his class in the morning. Buenos noches.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

October 1, 2016


On Thursday Bob and I went with Randy and Mikki to look for a car for Bobby. He bought a Kia Soul. There was even a rainbow over Bob's head when we went to get in the car to leave, but it didn't come out very well in the picture.

 Friday we did school all day and I mean all day, till midnight. 

Saturday I did Tommy's 5th Spanish class out of 8. I will start helping him study tomorrow. Ive told him he has to take notes but he doesn't and that's going to hurt him. I had Garrett fold laundry and hang out up curtain rods in my bathroom. I tried to get Charlie to start his drawing for art but he was being a brat. I had him practice his fiddle instead. Oh, I forgot to mention that I walked this morning. The sun was shining and I know we are supposed to get some bad weather for a few days. We are all watching Hurricane Matthew. 

I went to KW with Bob and Kurt late this afternoon, then came home and made Charlie a sample of his art project so he would have something to look at for his drawing. I did dishes and then I corrected Tommy's math. After that I had no more energy and went to bed. But first I had to referee Charlie and Tommy.

The pic below my parents sent me today. It's their back yard.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

September 28, 2016


I woke up with a headache but medicine and ice on my head made it go away. I went walking a little late and it was SO hot, but the sun was shining and I was glad after yesterday's dreary day.

We did school all day. Charlie was a punk but I made him keep working. While he did his online art class I watched Tommy's 3rd Spanish class. He had his 8th class today. He was complaining about a test coming up and how much he hates the class so I decided to watch the classes and decide for myself. The class is great. Tommy complained about the textbook. It is fine. The teacher is doing a great job. I have to take notes and she moves quickly. You cannot be a slackerd. So Tommy is trying to be a slackerd and I have notes so I will drill him and make him learn! I've told him to take notes and he won't. Maybe I'll make him copy mine. :0) Each class is 1 1/2 hours and I have to catch up. I want to quiz Tommy everyday too. Wish me luck. 

Kurt was supposed to take Joe for blood work this week too, and they weren't trying to get that done so I had to get on their cases too. While doing all this I also made split pea soup for supper.

Bob needed the battery charger for his car and when I went to pick up Joe from church I forgot it. Charlie's friend was over just before we left and dropped a jar of homemade raspberry jam on the floor and it broke. I had to clean it up and was now running late, and that's what made me forget it. But when I got to Joe's he said the charger was in their laundry room. We checked and it was there.

We went to church and on the way home Charlie and I got groceries. Garrett and Tommy helped us carry it up the stairs, and then I had to put it away. :0( It's so hard to strategically locate the produce in the fridge. It is packed in there. 

Charlie finished 3 drawings for his art class and I handed them in. I was too tired and it was late so I didn't take care of the dishes. I just went to bed.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

September 27, 2016


I took Charlie to the kid fiddle jam this morning. Garrett went to Bbsit grandkids and I picked up Joe to play bass. I played fiddle most of the time. That was a first for me. 

Afterwards I took Joe home, dropped Charlie off at home, and Garrett and I went on some errands. We got gas. I had $1.80 off a gallon. Then we went to the bank. We stopped and got a sub and then Kurt called needing a ride from Dick's shop. His car was having issues so he had taken it there. We picked him up and Garrett drove home. 

I did school with Charlie and I was surprised that we got so much done with our late start. I helped Garrett a little with his homework and then dropped Charlie at church for his ride to swimming. When I got home I listened to two of Tommy's Spanish classes and took notes. That was three hours. Tommy is being a big baby about the class. Tomorrow is the 8th class so I am going to try to catch up so I can help him to get his feet firmly on the ground.

Now it was about 9 o'clock and Tommy was whining about his history quiz that he needed to take before midnight. So I went over questions from his textbook with him and took notes. He fights me about taking notes and doesn't do it. Grrr!!! Then he took the quiz and did fine. Big baby. 

I tried to practice fiddle about 10:45 but decided to call it quits and go to bed instead.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

September 24, 2016


I cleaned all day and did laundry. I should have planned this week's menu and got groceries but I didn't. 

The band had two gigs today and I didn't go. I went with Bobby and Charlie to Pizza Works since I didn't want to make supper. I watched a movie while practicing my tambour embroidery. 

Here's a few pics Tom sent me of his trip to NY. Tom helped my dad take apart an old camper.

Friday, September 23, 2016

September 23, 2016


I've been stuck in a funk the last few days. I wish it would go away. I've just been making myself do things that need to get done but it's just a yucky feeling. Fiddle lessons, groceries, food, school, blah, blah, blah. 

I hope to hand piece on my quilt tonight and watch a chick flick, if I can figure out how to watch one on the computer. I went to pick up the younger boys from the movie night at church but I've been here for a half hour and the movie is still going.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

September 19, 2016


I went walking this morning. Ed brought me home some pancakes from his young men's meeting. That was a treat. We did school until it was time to leave for Sloppy's. I rode with Mikki and her friend Kerry. We also gave one of Randy's friends a ride to the airport. On the way there a fridge fell off the back of a truck that was driving in front of us. Not good. Mikki is an expert driver and was not tailgating. We had plenty of room to move to the other lane.

I was going to eat at Duetto's but they were closed due to a fire, so I took a walk down to Kilwin's. I saw Darth Vador playing his banjo. I should have gotten a pic. Next time. 

Monday, September 19, 2016

September 18, 2016


We went to church. Came home afterwards and I sat around and read. I practiced fiddle. The band went to Schooner Wharf with Mikki and Randy. Tommy went to babysit at Kim's, and I went to my class at church. Afterwards I watched a movie and made everyone go to bed at 11, not the band though. They weren't home yet. :0)

Saturday, September 17, 2016

September 17, 2016


This morning Charlie and I went to the beach. I had a hard time deciding whether or not to go. The weather was perfect, and we hadn't gone in months, so we went. 

A ton of seaweed had washed up on the beach so it wasn't very pretty, but it was fun watching the many birds. We read but neither one of us went in the water. We stayed about two hours and came home. I showered and TJ dropped off the three older kids. I folded laundry, lots of laundry. Violet hurt her hand. It looks like she might have burned the tips of her fingers. All I could figure was that Charlie made eggs and she must have reached up and touched the glass stovetop. She was on a chair at the kitchen sink, and could have pushed it to the stove, but it was still at the sink when I went back in the kitchen. I made her a washcloth with ice and a rubber band. She loved holding that and sucking on it. 

When I was done folding laundry we went down stairs and the kids played on the swing. Then TJ came to pick them up.

I tried to get Garrett to finish his homework but all he did was put it off. Tommy had so much homework the last three days it was crazy. It's taking a lot of time, checking their work and going over writing assignments. Tommy went to work at church, and Clementine traded me a loaf of banana bread for a jar of my raspberry jam. 

I made pizza dough and a Hawaiian pizza with pineapple, peppers, onions, mushrooms, and jalapeños. No cheese or meat. Then I taught Tommy and Jonathan how to make chocolate chip cookies. I did dishes, vacuumed the kitchen floor, and washed it. 

The big kids came back from Sunset Pier but Ed went to the studio to write and Ben went to a friend's house. They both aren't home yet and it's 2 AM. 

I hope I can get to walking next week and get to bed earlier so I can get up earlier. I've got a lot to do. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

September 13, 2016


I worked on bookkeeping til 4:30 AM, went to bed, and got up at 8. I kept working till 2 pm and then I emailed the reports to the accountant. Hopefully everything is ok. 

Charlie had a fiddle lesson today but I cancelled mine. I was too wacky from the bookkeeping and couldn't concentrate. Mikki picked me up, then TJ, and then we stopped at Walgrees for a flashdireve that Garrett needed for school.  

I was so tired at Schooner that I laid down out in the truck for the last set and fell asleep. Turtle and Zona were there. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

September 12, 2016


It is so hard to find the time to write lately. All I want is to slow down and get things in order but it's not happening. I've been trying to get the bookkeeping done. I've met with our accountant's secretary a few times and she's been teaching me Quickbooks. I'm learning a lot and getting better, but I can't find time to sweep the floors, or fold laundry. There was no time to get the dishes done tonight, nor to look over Tommy's homework. He always forgets to do something. No time to practice fiddle. Charlie and I have lessons tomorrow. .

I stayed up till 4:30 AM on the laptop. All the statements are entered and I was cleaning things up, getting rid of question marks. 

My leg is still not right. It bothers me here and there. My skin feels tight. Maybe that means it's swollen. I did go walking today but just 2 1/2 miles. I only went twice last week.

I guess I should go to sleep. Tommy's first class is at 8. 

Friday, September 9, 2016

September 7, 2016


Second day of school. Charlie had his first online art class. I watched TJ's kids at his house. They played at the Wharf while the other boys played at Sunset Pier. I took Jake to soccer practice and then we went to church. The park looked horrible. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

September 6, 2016


I walked 3 1/2 miles today. Then Joe asked me for a ride to the bank so I took him and did my banking too. We started school today. I told Tommy the wrong time for his first class so he totally missed it. I looked at the wrong day. :0(  Charlie was a little bit of a brat but we had a pretty good day.

Georgina took Charlie to swimming and I went with the band and Randy and Mikki to Sloppy's. I got Tommy new sandals because he left his at Bahia Honda a few months ago. I got myself a new pair too, and a skirt and top. 

It started to rain just as we finished packing the trailer. 

Monday, September 5, 2016

September 5, 2016


I slept in today and then walked a little over two miles. I didn't want my leg to start hurting. Hopefully tomorrow I'll do a little over three.

I spent a lot of time picking up today. I folded laundry and got Garrett to clean the kids' bathroom. I also went over Garrett's homework with him. Then I made two pans of a yummy peanut butter-chocolate-rice Krispy-marshmallow dessert that TJ asked for for his birthday. 

The band left for Sloppy Joes with Randy and Mikki. Charlie, Tommy, and I stayed home. Today was Bob's birthday and I invited him over for supper. Dahlia and Maya came too and we had a little birthday celebration. Then we took care of some school stuff. 

I did dishes. The band came home. I read to Charlie, and we went to bed. Tomorrow is our first day of school. Yippee!!

Saturday, September 3, 2016

September 3, 2016


The last week has been very busy. I haven't gone walking at all because of my hurt leg but I hope to start again on Monday. I drove Charlie to swimming a lot and took Joe to a doctor appointment. One day I drove to Marathon and met with the accountant's secretary. She helped me tremendously. Then I visited my friend Dahlia.

Also, this past week a storm was brewing over and around Florida. We were very lucky and it stayed away from us, although there was flooding in Key West. The sky here was gray for a week, which is very unusual in these parts. It's been pretty hot too, like the heat index is 104 every day. 

Twice last week I invited Bob and Joe over for supper. We had Buffalo cauliflower one night and vegetable shish kabobs the second night. I also made baked pears one night, and the next night we had chocolate cake. 

Publix wanted $374 dollars for Joe's prescription. In the past it was just under $50. I went online and found it at Walgreens with a coupon for just under $40. That whole thing took me all day, calling the Doctor and asking her to phone the prescription in to Walgreens, etc., and waiting for people to call me back. I'm glad to be done with that. 

We are starting school on Tuesday and I think I finally have everything ready. Ed, Ben, and Kurt went to Nashville to meet with songwriters.They were supposed to come home on Friday but stayed an extra day to avoid driving in the storm. They were gone a week and got back late tonight. The AC broke on Ed's van and they were really bummed because Ed had just gotten it fixed the day before the trip.

I went with Mikki and Randy one day to Home Depot and Sears. Charlie went with me and I got him new sneakers. I bought potting soil, mulch, and three plants. 

I've been doing bookkeeping every day, trying to practice fiddle, and today I transplanted a few plants and cleaned up the porch. I just need it to cool down so I can sit out there. I also went to the post office and Kim stopped in for a visit. This morning I was woken up by some loud noises outside. I thought someone we running up and down the stairs. I looked out the window and it was several deer bashing into our garbage cans. A lid was bunjied on and they got it off and then we're fighting over the garbage.