Sunday, April 10, 2016

April 10, 2016


I woke up early enough to spend some time on the porch before church. Then I did dishes and woke people up for church. After church Kim came over, but we didn't get to visit too long. Charlie was invited to a friend's house so Tom and I took him and Kim went home. 

On our way home we stopped at Walgreens and then Tom Thumb, where our son, Bobby,  is the manager. Tom got gas and I got water. Then we went to the shop that had the black car and Tom drove it over to TJ's. He decided not to spend $700 to get it fixed and wants to sell it as is. We visited there a little and left. 

Our last stop was at a benefit at Coconuts for a local pastor who was in a head-on crash a few months ago on the 7 mile bridge. Some of our friends were playing in the bands, and we knew quite a few people and met some new ones. I wanted to stay about am hour. I just wanted to go home. I had things I wanted to do, and the house was a mess, but Tom was having a great time talking and I finally had to drag him out at 7 o'clock. And the only reason he really left was because it was time to play hockey with the boys. When we got home Bambi was taking a siesta at the back of our house. 

I watered a few plants and then read and did the homework for three chapters in Tommy's Latin book. The boys came home from hockey and we had a conference call for some business stuff. Ed and Ben went to Kurt's. I checked Tommy's homework assignments for tomorrow and put a few things away in the kitchen. It's a mess out there. Nobody cares. They just walk right through it. It can wait till tomorrow, or the next day, or the next. 

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