Friday, April 29, 2016

April 27, 2016


I went walking this morning but it wasn't a great walk. A dumb rooster that is always by the road in front of someone's house charged at me twice. A few minutes later a deer ran straight at me and then turned when it was a few feet away. After that a big Pepsi truck went flying by me too close. He was on a blind curve so I can understand him not moving over, but the speed limit is only 25 mph. He was going to fast and I was off the road. Then I was scared to pass by the guard rooster on the way back home, but he was no where to be seen. 

Since Charlie fell asleep so many times yesterday I decided to let him sleep. He slept till 3:30. I'm not sure if he was sick or stayed up most of the night on a gadget. 

Tommy had classes and I went over math with  him. Tom and I picked up Callie and Violet and took them to church. TJ had a gig at Hogfish with someone else and took Jake. After church Tom went to Bob's apartment because the electric had gone off. I did lots of dishes, swept the kitchen floor, and spot cleaned it.


  1. Miss you guys much .....I feel a heavy annointing upon your life...I bind every spirit that is not of Christ....I bind the spirit of recklessness and confusion,,,your bro in Christ KEN CAPPELLO
    And confusion in Christ Jesus holy name...

  2. Did not mean to be wierd just came from awesome prayer meeting was pretty wound up,,,may the spirit of God be on you...
