Friday, April 1, 2016

April 1, 2016


Today is the anniversary of Tom and my first date.

This past week has flown by. My parents were here. Angelica's mom came to visit them. My mom helped me recover my teacher/everything chair. My dad helped Tom hang two of my chairs downstairs. I took TJ and Angelica's kids overnight while they were in the hospital having a baby. It's a little girl, Hazel Elizabeth, born March 31. 

I also finished Angelica's quilt yesterday. 

I helped Tommy with a paper today, 750 words, 8 paragraphs, on a 4 line poem that was hard to decipher. It was a hard one and when we printed it off it grouped the lines into twos. I finally typed the whole thing over for him because we couldn't get it to print right. It's happened before and I don't have a clue why it does it. 

I took a pic of the Key Deer in our yard. You would think we live in a wildlife refuge. Oh yeah, we do. There are Bambi's everywhere. 

My little monkey

Tommy's science experiment

Ed's really enjoying the boat ride on Mikki and Randy's boat.

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