Thursday, April 28, 2016

April 26, 2016


Today we had our first fiddle group lesson that I was in charge of. I wasn't sure how it would go, but it went great. TJ and Kim came and helped and made it great. I set it up like a bluegrass jam and I think the kids had fun. Tj was able to give a little bit of theory and Kim gave fiddle pointers. Tom came late and played the bass. 

We went home and got ready for gym class. I drove Tommy and Charlie to Marathon and dropped them off. Then I went to Home Depot. I bought some bins to store stuff under my bed. I picked the boys up at the park, and we headed back to Big Pine, where I was to drop Charlie off to go to swimming with Georgina. Charlie had forgotten his swim stuff but Ed drove it to the church and met me there. 

The band went to Schooner Wharf. They needed Tommy to work the lights so he didn't get his homework done. I did dishes and laundry and a little Latin. I picked up Charlie and we stopped at Winn Dixie. We bought chicken wings and ice cream.  

Jake-6 years old

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