Monday, April 25, 2016

April 25, 2016


Ed kept Tommy and Charlie out late last night, hanging out with some of the Walker family, so I let Charlie sleep in. Tommy's first class was at 11 and he was 10 minutes late. I had my quiet time and  knitted two rows, just for fun, before eating my oatmeal. 

Yesterday Byron and Aida brought me a dresser, so today I moved things around in my room and moved my craft stuff out of plastic drawer bins and into the dresser. I made a salad and packed up for Sloppy's. I dropped Charlie off at Georgina's for swimming and then drove to Tjs to pick he and Jake up for the gig. Kurt ended up there too, and then we met Tom and everyone else at the church, where we downsized to 2 vehicles and then proceeded to the gig. 

Randy and Mikki were there with some friends. It was busy. Charlie and Jake weren't getting along too well. I should have worn a referee jersey. 

Here's some pics from my shaving brush tree. It hasn't had any flowers for a few years but now it finally does, and the first bud opened today. 

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