Wednesday, April 13, 2016

April 12, 2016


I went walking. Then Ed helped me and we hung pictures on the walls. I watered plants and did a little school with Charlie. Tom dropped Charlie of at church and he went to swimming with Georgina. 

I made coconut black beans (with mango), rice, and a salad for supper. The boys played hockey and we ate just after 9 PM. Then they played cards. 

I'm itching to do some embroidery but don't have anything ready. I should start a new baby dress. 

I need groceries again. I know it's bad when even the carrot drawer is empty. I can never figure out a day and time to go that works for me. I don't want to go during school, and from about 3-7 pm it's been too busy at Winn Dixie, although many of the tourists are gone now. And I don't want to spend my evening in the store either. What's a girl to do?

(There's still some clutter on the floor by the piano, and it needs to be tuned bad. Ben tuned a few of the really bad notes.)

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