Friday, April 22, 2016

April 22, 2016


I've walked three times this week but not today. I hate to admit it, but both my knees and one ankle were a little achy yesterday and today.  They never bother me so it's weird. 

It rained a little this morning. Today was a slow-motion kind of day for me. Ed dropped Tommy off at Bob's to sign for a package that was coming. I wanted him to take some school books and study for his 3 tests he had due by midnight tonight, but he forgot them. Grrrr. 

 I woke Charlie up about 10 times before he finally got up at noon. I repotted my two little pink jasmine plants. I made pizza dough for later in the day. When Charlie finally got up we did art. Next I picked Tommy up from Bob's house, and then put the pizza together, vegetable pizza with no cheese. I tried to leave at 4 o'clock to babysit at Tjs, but my truck felt like it had a flat tire, so I parked it and borrowed Ed's van. It made me very sad. 

Tj and angelica played at Hogfish. Ed, Ben, and Kurt took Jake with them to a Panthers' playoff game on the mainland, so I watched just the girls, even baby Hazel. Charlie was with me too. I brought two pizzas with me and left one home for Tommy. Tommy rode his bike to church for his lesson and then he worked at movie night. Tjs neighbors are soooo loud. At one point someone let out a yell like an Indian on the warpath. Crazy! 

The girls were all good and Hazel was pretty easy, but when I got home Tommy had only two of his tests turned in and only 45 minutes left to do the last one. He ended up not finishing it till after midnight so now it is late. He makes me mad. He had plenty of time today to get everything handed in on time. 

Tom worked all day painting at Pine Avenue. He got home close to midnight. We both ate a salad for our bedtime snack. 

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