Sunday, April 3, 2016

April 2, 2016


Charlie amd I went to the beach at Bahia Honda. On our way home we stopped at TJ's to see how they were doing moving the plants from the porch. Doug let us use his truck. They were doing fine. We helped till it was done, then I went inside to see baby Hazel and Angelica. 

When we got home we unloaded the plants. The big boys went to the church to practice. Tom and Garrett went back to Ave C to get the two big palm trees and my favorite big tree that I don't know the name of. Tom and I gave Joe a ride to KW, stopped at Home Depot for plant pots and potting soul, and then stopped at Boondocks for supper. When we got home we found that the deer had already found my plants and had eaten quite a bit. I moved some that were untouched up to the porch. 

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